Warm weather annual

There are so many species, varieties and cultivars of warm weather annual zinnia that it’s easy to find your favorite colors, heights, and forms.
You can start from transplants or seeds to guarantee lots of butterflies all summer—especially on the classic zinnias with nectar-rich disk flowers.
They love heat and full sun to afternoon shade, but they do need good soil and extra water in hot, dry times. To avoid issues with powdery mildew, give them breathing space and avoid overhead watering if you can.
The low-growing, edging-perfect ‘Profusion’ series is more mildew resistant, blooms for months and attracts butterflies.
Zinnia angustifolia var. linearis is another low-growing “clumping” variety with small flowers that CTG has seen covered with bees.
Choose the taller zinnias for your cutting bed at the back of a bed or border.
Dead head frequently to encourage more blooms and to flush out growth. Birds love the seeds, though, so it’s okay to be lazy to let them them snag a meal!