
There are many native and adapted non-native viburnums that can provide drought-tough hedges and screens for you in sun to part shade. Many are evergreen and some are deciduous. Pictured is Viburnum tinus ‘Spring Bouquet’. It’s a non-native, but very drought-tolerant, and works in shade to sun, as do most viburnums.
Some get as tall as 20′, while others are shorter. Select the one that’s right for your space. There are many varieties, so look for the one that attracts your attention and design idea. Native specimens look best in a natural shape with just gentle pruning. Others can be clipped back to force fuller growth.
Viburnums bear fragrant white flowers in spring that guarantee attention from early butterflies, bees, and many beneficial insects. The birds go for the blue berries that follow.
Viburnums are hardy to Zone 5, so they can take our winters without any problem.
- Bees +
- Butterflies +
- Deciduous +
- Drought Resistant Plants +
- Evergreen +
- Flower +
- Native Plants +
- White