Tricia Martin’s Deer Resistant Plant List

For shade and sun (but not full sun all day)
- Shrimp plant (Justicia brandegeana): perennial that usually dies to ground in winter
- Turks cap (Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii): perennial that usually dies to ground in winter
For shade (can accept some sun)
- Pigeonberry (Rivina humilis) (Perennial low-growing plant that usually dies to ground in winter)
- Rock penstemon (Penstemon baccharifolius): evergreen perennial (appreciates afternoon shade)
- Dwarf Barbados cherry (Malphigia punicifolia) (okay in shade some of the day; usually evergreen
- Firebrush (Hamelia patens): perennial that dies to ground in winter
- Thryallis (Galphimia gracilis): perennial that usually dies back in winter depending on cold
- Skyflower, golden dewdrops (Duranta repens): perennial that goes dormant in winter (appreciates afternoon shade)