Toxic Plants for Pets

- Cleavers
- Castor Bean
- Carolina Jessamine
- Oleander (all parts)
- Mountain Laurel (seed pods; leaves)
- Sweet Pea
- Morning Glory (seeds)
- Larkspur (shoots; stems)
- Hyacinth
- Daffodils
- Tulips (bulbs; flowers)
- Iris rhizome
- Pokeweed
- Cherry Laurel
- Elderberry
- Cycad
More information:
Texas Poison Control
For information or emergency assistance, call: (800) 222-1222
(Texas Poison Control has 6 branches in Texas. The closest one to Austin is?)
South Texas Poison Control
Located on UTSA campus in San Antonio, Texas
For emergency assistance, call: (800) 222-1222
Or for basic information, call: (210) 567-5762
Texas Poison Control provides assistance for both humans and animals.
For strictly animal matters:
Animal Poison Control Center
(a part of ASPCA, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
For information, call: (888) 426-4435