Top 10 Remarkable Plants for CTG

- Texas mountain laurel – Sophora secundiflora
- Chiltepín – Capsicum annuum
- Horsetail – Equisetum hyemale
- Yaupon – Ilex vomitoria
- Prickly-pear cactus – Opuntia engelmannii
- Yellow horsemint – Monarda punctata
- Rattlesnake master – Eryngium yuccifolium
- Live oak – Quercus virginiana
- Wild grape [Gray-bark grape]– Vitis cinerea var. helleri
- Plains coreopsis – Coreopsis tinctoria
- Texas mountain laurel – Sophora secundiflora
- In TX archaeological sites back 10,000 yrs ago
- Found in arch sites through west TX and Edwards Plateau
- Hypothesis: shamanism
- Historic tribes (Caddo, Comanche, Tonkawa, Kiowa) used in rites & rituals involving divinations & visions
- Item of trade – more than 30 tribes used for beads attached to clothing
- Horse would be traded for a string of 8-10 beads
- Chiltepín – Capsicum annuum
- Progenitor of almost all the peppers we know and use today (Anaheim, bell, cayenne, jalapeno, poblando, serrano)
- Wild pepper remains in Mexico – one of 1st documented spices used by humans anywhere in world (9200 yrs ago)
- Rich in antioxidants, raises metabolism; capsaicin renowned as a painkiller
- Official state native pepper of Texas (1995); great part-shade plant in garden
- Horsetail – Equisetum hyemale
- Living fossil: has one of longest fossil records of any living genus of plants – back to late Devonian (350 mya), ancestors were trees 60’ tall, 2’ across at base
- Some of Earth’s first extensive forests were of this tree
- Peaked in diversity in the Carboniferous (290-350 mya) in which 75% of world’s coal was formed
- Only plant known to require silicon to grow
- Wartlike tubercles of silicon on surface: scouring agent
- Erosion control – great for water gardens if contained
- Yaupon – Ilex vomitoria
- Great tea plant – dried leaves contain 0.27% caffeine – only wild tea in TX with the stimulant
- Almost every indigenous tribe in the SE drank this tea, as did Spanish and English colonials, pioneers
- Vomitoria comes from ritual purgings (3-6 gallons/person); not from plant itself
- Parallel story: yerba mate (same genus, same story in S America)
- Why didn’t “yaupon mate” become a southern drink?
- Prickly-pear cactus – Opuntia engelmannii
- Official State Plant of Texas (1995)
- Arguably, of all our native plants, pp has been most responsible for keeping humans and beasts from starting during times of deprivation
- Every part is useful for something
- Pads: food, medicine, material (rich Vit A & calcium)
- Flowers: edible
- Fruit: edible – Cabeza de Vaca and “tuna time”!
- Seeds: ground into flour and baked
- Thorns: arrow pts for small birds (Kiowa); tattoo needles (Apache)
- Sap: varnish, color fixer; water clarifier
- Cochineal insect – 3rd most valuable export from New Spain (1520-1850) after gold & silver
- Yellow horsemint – Monarda punctata
- Ideal candidate for those wanting instant wildflower patch
- Thymol = antisceptic & fungicide, normally obtained from common thyme
- Y. horsemint as 2x much thymol; used as substitute in WWI when common thyme unavailable
- Thymol used in Listerine, lip balms, toothpaste
- TX beekeepers consider several spp of Monarda as most important source of honey in state; 20% of TX honey crop
- Beebalm – crushed leaves applied to bee stings
- Steep a few leaves in your next tea
- Rattlesnake master – Eryngium yuccifolium
- Great accent piece in garden
- Indicator plant of the Tall Grass Prairie – only 0.1% of this ecosystem remains in native state
- Root: antidote for poison, snakes in particular – tribes throughout whole eastern half of US
- Raw, steeped in water, boiled – also chewed and applied as poultices
- Romans used another sp. of same genus for snakebite
- Rural Jordanians use another sp. of same genus for scorpion bites, for which there is scientific evidence of its effectiveness
- Ancient fiber plant: archaeological remains to 8300 bp (MO, AR, KY, TN)
- Some of oldest footwear in N. Amer made from this; also, cords, bags, cloth
- Live oak – Quercus virginiana
- Extremely hard wood; among heaviest of all U.S. woods
- Days of wooden ships: strongest and most durable shipbuilding wood in US and 2nd in world only to teak (used for frames and knees – stronger than any artificial joint)
- Northern lumbermen would come to the South for “live oaking”
- Ship of the line needed approx 680 trees
- USS Constitution – “Old Ironsides”—famous e.g.; War of 1812; oldest commissioned warship afloat in world today
- Live oak is 1st American tree to be set aside for future use as a forest preserve (islands off Georgia)
- [Acorns; oak galls; commemorative trees]
- Wild grape [Gray-bark grape]– Vitis cinerea var. helleri
- Roughly dozen spp of grape in TX (half of the US total)
- Texas saves the European wine industry
- US wild grapes are largely immune to the phylloxera insect (a sap-sucking, aphid-like louse)
- Phylloxera appears in S. France in mid 1860s
- 2/3rds of European vineyards were destroyed; all of southern France
- Thomas Volney Munson (Denison, TX) directed French scientists to native grapes that would withstand both phylloxera and chlorosis; crossing of TX rootstocks with French rootstocks was smashing success
- “Man who saved the French vineyards”
- Munson receives the French Legion of Honor (only 3rd American to do so…Thomas Edison and Dwight Eisenhower)
- Texas wines: TX ranks 5th among US producers of wine; 15000 sq mi in central TX is US’s largest official American Viticultural Area
- Plains coreopsis – Coreopsis tinctoria
- Among top 20 favorite flowers among gardeners in every region of our state
- Dye plant: White Mtn Apache, Cherokee, Zuni used; red, red-brown, orange-red, gold, yellow
- Tea: Lokota called it “boiled weed”; both Lokota and Zuni made a red drink from plant (boil flowers in water few minutes)
- Pioneers used in mattress stuffing – repel fleas & bedbugs (also horsemint)