Texas Superstar Plants

Brent Pemberton from Texas AgriLife Research, Texas A&M University, showcases these Texas Superstar plants, tested under rigorous conditions to approve them for your garden!
Gold Star Esperanza Tecomastans ‘Gold Star’: perennial that dies to the ground most winters, but returns in spring.
Cora and Nirvana Vinca(annual periwinkle): Plant these summer annuals in late spring for flowers all summer.
Angelonia angustifolia ‘Serena’: Another summer annual to plant in late spring for flowers all summer.
‘Mystic Spires’ Blue Salvia: a perennial that dies back in winter to return in spring. Brings on the butterflies, bees, and other nectaring insects!
Tidal Wave’ Cherry Petunia : an annual or perennial, depending on its site.
Grandma’s Yellow Rose: tough as Grandma on a motorcycle!
Watch for Audray, Las Vegas and All Around and QIS gomphrena, summer annuals that will seed for next year.
Mandevilla ‘Rio’ Pink’, a shrubby form, rather than the usual vine. Usually an annual , unless protected over winter in a greenhouse, garage, indoors in bright light, or other warm space.