
- Pitcher Sage or Prairie Sage (Salvia pitcheri, or azurea)
Native to N. American prairies
Plant type: Herbaceous perennial
Wildlife: Hummingbird nectar; Deer resistant
Habit: Tall growing (4-6′) in the wild, but can be kept much tidier & fuller (3′ X 3′) by pruning often, especially after long bloom period. Prefers full sun, will tolerate some partial shade.
Bloom: Starts blooming in early-mid summer until frost. Bloom color is a brilliant periwinkle blue that blends well with many other colors in the perennial border. We often use this salvia w/ coral s. greggii & yellow bells or other yellow blooms.
Foliage: Narrow gray-green leaves
- Bi Color Sage (Salvia sinaleoensis)
Plant type: Herbaceous perennial
Wildlife: Hummingbird nectar; Deer resistant
Habit: Low growing (1’x1′); spreads by running rootstock, but not invasively; prune after heavy bloom, to shape & after frost. Prefers some afternoon shade, will tolerate full sun.
Bloom: Brilliant blue flower spikes
Foliage: in full sun foliage darkens, in shade it is greener thus the name bi color.
Comments: Good for containers, excellent border plant mixed w/ Pink Scullcap
- Indigo Spires (Salvia ‘indigo spires’)
Plant type: Herbaceous perennial
Wildlife: Butterfly nectar (esp. for fall Monarch migration); Deer resistant
Habit: Large perennial to 4’X3-4′; Prefers full sun, will tolerate some part shade; prune after heavy bloom and to maintain full shape; cut to 3-4′ after frost.
Bloom: Indigo blue spikes begin in early summer & persist till frost.
Foliage: Large leaf is lush looking.
Comments: Nice alone as an accent or especially lovely mixed w/ antique roses Duchesse De Brabandt &/or Cramoisi Superieur.
- Mountain Sage (Salvia regala)
Plant type: Deciduous shrub
Wildlife: Very important hummingbird food source for the fall migration into Mexico through the Chisos Mtns. Fairly deer resistant in most cases.
Habit: This plant can reach 6′ in the wild, but more likely to be only 4′ or so in the garden & easily pruned to a more manageable size throughout the growing season since bloom will not be until late summer. Pruning also keeps branches stronger for the weight of blooms to come.
Bloom: Rather large orangey-red blooms late summer frost. Blooms remain close to the branch instead of long spikes of most salvias.
Foliage: Small, glossy heart shaped leaves.
- Majestic Sage (Saliva guaranitica)
Plant type: Herbaceous perennial
Wildlife: Hummingbird nectar; Deer resistant
Habit: Lush looking salvia due to large full leaf; will take full sun to part shade very adaptable. Can reach 5′ high, but will be fuller and bloom more if kept pruned to 3′ or so. Spreads by a running rootstock and can reach 4-5′ wide if allowed.
Bloom: Beautiful large flowers on long spikes. Colors range from pale blue ‘Argentine skies’ to deep blue and even purple.
Foliage: Large heart-shaped leaves make for a very lush looking plant. Very fragrant
Comments: Variety ‘Black & Blue’ makes a wonderful accent w/ black calyx very striking and unusual.
- Bog Sage (Salvia uliginosa)
Plant type: Herbaceous perennial
Wildlife: hummingbird nectar; deer resistant.
Habit: Wide range, but as name says, will tolerate very boggy conditions as well as drier. Prefers afternoon shade, at least part, but will tolerate full sun. Will reach 3-6’H X 3-4′ W. Spreads by running rootstock. Keep in check by pruning after heavy bloom.
Bloom: sky blue & white blooms from early summer frost.
Foliage: Thin arrow shaped leaves, very aromatic.
Comments: Bright color for afternoon shade; very graceful when blowing in the wind.
- Salvia Darcyi
Plant type: Herbaceous perennial
Wildlife: Hummingbird nectar
Habit: Mounding growth to 3X3. Prefers full sun, will tolerate part shade; trim after heavy bloom and to keep shape. Prune to 3-4′ after frost.
Bloom: Lone spikes of coral-red flowers from summer til frost. This color red will blend with which ever red group it is planted with (ie; oranges or magentas)
Foliage: Deltoid shaped, very fragrant; feels sticky due to small hairs.
Comments: Nice shape looks soft in the perennial bed.
- Fushcia Sage (Salvia iodantha)
Plant type: Herbaceous perennial
Wildlife: Hummingbird nectar
Habitat: 3X4 in garden, possibly larger. Sun to partial shade.
Bloom: Magenta flowers in late fall.
Foliage: Mainly grown for foliage with deep purple undertones.
- Big Red Sage (Salvia penstemonoides)
TX native, blooms tall spikes, wine color; hummingbird; some pm shade
- Belize Sage (S. miniata)
Plant type: Tender tropical
Wildlife: Hummingbird nectar
Habit: Due to tenderness best kept in containers; prefers pm shade & plenty of moisture; native to Belize, Mexico
Bloom: deep red flower spikes
Foliage: large glossy leaves
Comments: Can be planted in the garden, but should be lifted in winter, or cuttings made for the next year.
Containers do well in pm shade w/ other blooming perennials.