Pollinator Plants from our Viewers

Our plants this week come once again from our viewers who are taking care of wildlife and observing it in action! Sal Haq from Garland, enjoys his morning tea in the garden. Often, the bees join him for breakfast on his vitex tree, also known as chaste tree.
Stefanie Limerick has lots of pollinators, beneficial insects, and birds thanks to her habitat garden that’s chemical free. Bees really go for the African blue basil and stick around to pollinate her squash blossoms. She found a crab spider on a coneflower and a sweat bee on the leaf of a sunflower. There are also butterflies, of course, including Cloudless Sulphur on this ‘Evolution Violet’ cultivar of Salvia farinacea.
In Flatonia, Erica Rivers ordered a Texas Superstar Moy Grande hibiscus for her mom after seeing it on CTG. Mom Agnes Fajkus really loves those huge summertime flowers.
In downtown Austin, Lynda Scott spotted a squirrel having lunch on a sunflower seed.
Susan Velzy, in Pipe Creek, started this Yellow Bird of Paradise from seeds that her dad gave her 20 years ago from his garden in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Now she’s got several pollinator-loving plants in her Hill Country Garden!
Finally, in Bee Cave, Michele and Joe Wagner planted this new front porch garden with roses, gaura, blackfoot daisy, penstemon and lantana. So many butterflies and bees are coming to the plants! And the birds and bees really appreciated the fountain during this dry, hot summer.