


Phlox Paniculata ‘John Fanick’

You might see this phlox listed as deciduous, but I’ve found that it performs better when treated as a perennial, meaning that you’ll shear it to the ground, forcing it to produce all new growth from the roots. Phlox will look fuller and healthier, and have more flowers, if you do.

‘John Fanick’ phlox should be planted in a shady spot that receives bright, but indirect sunlight. As with most shade-loving plants, it does need a little extra water. But don’t over water it, which will cause it to rot.

In my garden, Phlox will often develop new leaves that have interveinal chlorosis: yellow leaves that still have green veins. This is because it prefers soil that is slightly more acidic than ours here in Central Texas. This problem is easily remedied by using a fertilizer with a little iron in it. Fertilizer products that are designed for acid-loving plants will clear up the problem in no time.
