November To Do List

Plant: ornamental & wildlife
- Perennials, shrubs, ornamental (clumping) grasses; fall is the best time to plant
- Avoid planting cold tender plants like Pride of Barbardos, Esperanza, lantana, plumbago
- Trees
- Strawberries (best time to do it!)
- Winter annuals, including calendula, snapdragon, pansy, viola, dusty miller, ornamental kale and cabbage, alyssum, stock, cyclamen, dusty miller, flowering kale and cabbage
- Early to Thanksgiving: native wildflower seeds like bluebonnets, phlox, Mexican hat, Indian paintbrush, Indian blanket (gaillardia). Also, non-native poppies, larkspurs, hollyhocks
- Early to Thanksgiving: spring bulbs
Plant: herbs
- Perennials thyme, oregano, lavender
- Cilantro transplants, parsley, dill, fennel , chervil, summer savory, borage, chives, rue
- Be prepared to cover in case of deep freeze
Plant: food crops
- Keep planting winter crops for successive harvest
- Water weekly with liquid seaweed
- Spray cabbage loopers on broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage with Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt).
- Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Vegetable Planting Guides (Central Texas)
- Avoid pruning shrubs right now unless you see damage
- Okay to prune live oak and red oaks through January
- Okay to prune trees
- Thyme
- Shrubs, roses, trees, evergreen spring-blooming perennials
- Mulch cold tender plants like gingers, Esperanza and semi-tropicals
- Select spots where you want fruit trees, grapes, or berries to plant in January; for now, prep with compost
- Get that row cover ready! Do not protect plants with plastic!
- If must mow, keep high to shade out germinating weeds
- It’s really not a good idea to overseed with rye unless you have new, muddy construction and a dog!
Other tasks
- Cut basil to freeze in oil in ice cube trays to use this winter in soups and stews
- Collect seeds from summer annuals to dry and store indoors until next spring
- Take cuttings of tender annuals to propagate in warmth to plant next spring
- Rake leaves into beds to mulch over winter and return nutrients to the soil
- Mow leaves on grass (if not raking to beds or compost) to break them down
- Collect leaves from neighbors to add to compost pile!
- Deeply water new plants; keep new seedlings moist but not drenched