Merredith Jiles’ Drought Survivors

2011 was a double-whammy year for plants. Feb. 2011 saw the worst freeze in 35 years. All of 2011 was the worst drought in nearly 100 years. So what plants made it through both issues?
My situation: east Austin, near I-35. Stopped regular watering in April 2011.
(Most of them established shade trees)
- Acacia smallii- Huisache Tree.
- Olea europea- Olive Trees (fruitless varieties and dwarf)
- Cupressus arizonica- Arizona Cypress
- Cotinus obovatus- Texas Smoke Tree
- Ungnadia speciosa- Mexican Buckeye
- Leucophylum frutescens- Texas Sage
- Arbutus unedo compacta- Compact Strawberry Tree
- Salvia clevelandii- Chaparral Sage
- Phlomis fruticosa- Jerusalem Sage
- Agaves, Yuccas, and relatives- Be sure to check hardiness zones.
- Agave x Mr. Ripple
- Agave bracteosa – Squid Agave
- Yucca rostrata
- Yucca pendula
- Hesperaloes
- Dasylirions
- Sphaeralcea ambigua – Globe Mallow
- Melampodium leucanthum – Blackfoot Daisy
- Tetraneuris scaposa – Four Nerve Daisy
- Carex texensis – Texas Sedge
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