Dahlberg Daisy

This is a plant that I will always call Dyssodia, even though someone has decided it belongs in the genus Thymophylla. At the nursery, though, you’ll find it under its common name, Dalberg daisy.
This a great native plant in landscapes with shallow, rocky soil, or in beds and borders near rock or decomposed granite paths. It requires excellent drainage and full sun.
It has very bright green thread-like leaves and a pungent citrusy fragrance when those leaves are crushed. It’s covered with cheery little yellow button flowers.
It stays very small, about 12 inches wide and tall. It flowers in the hottest months, when not much else is flowering.
It tolerates drought, but do give it some supplemental irrigation if it’s really dry and hot; but don’t over-water it. Again, remember its need for good drainage.
If we have a mild winter, it will return as a perennial, otherwise, it is an annual, so you should plant it in late spring, or start seeds indoors in May.