Christine and Bill Reid’s Plant List

Crossvine (Bignonia capreolata)
Size: up to 70 feet long
Water requirements: low; drought tolerant
Bloom: yellow-orange flowers in the spring
Light: Full sun to part shade
Being evergreen (most of the time) and fast-growing, this tough native vine makes a great screen when grown on a trellis. The crossvine will tolerate a wide range of light conditions. Its tubular blooms attract hummingbirds, natch, along with lots of attention when blooming.
Fig Vine (Ficuspumila)
Size: up to 60 feet or more in length
Water requirements: low to medium
Bloom: inconsequential; will bear non-edible figs when mature
Light: Full sun to part shade
This evergreen vine with high deer tolerance will climb and cover things quickly. It can handle poor soil and heat and will make short work of unattractive fences, etc., by covering it with its pretty green leaves. Just be careful what you let it climb on.
Southern Wax Myrtle (Myricacerifera)
Size: 10-25 feet high, 10-15 feet wide
Water requirements: low water; medium drought tolerance
Bloom: fragrant flowers in spring, pale blue berries in winter on female plants
Light: full sun to part shade
This evergreen bush/tree has glossy, aromatic foliage and adapts well to varying light, soil and moisture conditions. The early American colonists used the wax on the berries to make scented candles. Birds also enjoy the berries as a source of food in the winter.
Yellow Butterfly vine (Mascagniamacroptera)
Size: up to 6 feet tall as a shrub; vine grows to 30 feet
Water requirements: low to medium
Bloom: yellow, lightly fragrant flowers from spring to frost, followed by butterfly-like seed pods in the fall
Light: full sun to part shade
This hardy and vigorous vine is also a fairly well-mannered climber. A mostly evergreen perennial, it’s considered easy to grow and attracts butterflies and other pollinators. A tough and pretty plant.
Xylosma (Xylosmacongestum)
Size: 15 feet high, 10 feet wide
Water requirements: low
Bloom: tiny white flowers in spring, followed by small black berries in fall
Light: full sun
This fast-growing evergreen shrub has few insect or disease problems. It is excellent for use as a screen. The small black fruits in the fall attract wildlife.
Yaupon Holly, ‘Pride of Houston’ (Ilex vomitoria)
Size: 12-25 feet high, 8-12 feet wide
Water requirements: low
Bloom: female trees will form tiny blooms, then bright red berries in the fall
Light: full sun to part shade
The Yaupon Holly is adaptable to many areas and makes a good living fence. The berries attract wildlife. Deer resistant. It is sturdy and dependable.
Sweet Viburnum (Viburnum odoratissimum)
Size: up to 20 feet tall and wide
Water requirements: low to medium
Bloom: fragrant spring flowers that become red, then black berries
Light: full sun to part shade
This medium to fast growing evergreen shrub makes a terrific hedge or small ornamental tree. Deer resistant.Rarely bothered by pests or disease.
Bottlebrush (Callistemomcitrinus)
Size: up to 8 feet tall, 5 feet wide
Water requirements: low to medium; needs good drainage
Bloom: scarlet red flowers throughout the year
Light: full sun
This evergreen Australian native shrub can be pruned, if desired, into an attractive small landscape tree. Tolerates heat, cold and adverse soil. Said to be deer resistant. Grows best in the southern regions of Texas.
Cenizo ‘Convent Sage’ (Leucophyllumfrutescens ‘Convent’)
Size: 5 feet tall and wide
Water requirements: very low; must have very good drainage
Bloom: purple-red flowers spring to fall
Light: full sun
Like all the cenizos, this is a tough and pretty plant that can take the heat as well as the cold and is also drought tolerant. Deer resistant. Once established, no maintenance needed; can be lightly pruned, if desired. One of our best native plants.
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