This Week
Past Episodes
All Resources
Cattle panel trellis: Daphne Richards
Lamb’s Quarters Spinach Dip
Native Small Trees: Matt Kolodzie Friendly Natives Nursery
The Natural Gardener Survivor Plants
James Barela plant list
Kathleen Scott: Native Plant List New Braunfels
Plant List Lori Najvar/Glen Chappell shade garden
Frost and Freeze Plant Protect and Care
Native Plants for Bees with Leslie Uppinghouse
Bee Friendly Champions Mikaila Ulmer and Leslie Uppinghouse
CTG Gardeners’ Photo Album – May and June 2020
Butterfly and Bee Plants: Doug Green Plant List
Viewers’ Great Garden Shots!
Viewer Garden Discoveries in Quarantine
Dandelion Day Recipe: the Wolff family
Mary and Gary Irish drought design border
Winter Green Salad & Balsamic Reduction Dressing
Quinoa Tabbouleh
Melon Mint Gazpacho
Succulent potting soil, fertilizer, water: Jeff Pavlat
Where to Find Lone Star Nursery Plants (Flint Fancy & Jay Beard)
Lady Banks Rose
Native Chile Pequin
Spicy Chile Pequin Salsa from Rob Moshein
Scarlet Pea
Bearded Iris
Pollinator Plants from our Viewers
Invasive Horned Poppy and Buffalo Bur
Invasive Dodder
Mushrooms after Rain
Kangaroo Paw
Purple Basil
Hackberry Seedlings
Globe Amaranth
Skeleton-leaf Goldeneye
Morning glory
Satsuma Orange
Yucca Flowers
Hyacinth Bean
Giant Spiderwort
California Poppy
Pansy & Viola
Carrion Plant
Dividing Bulbs
Beekeeping Organizations & Bee Swarm Relocation
Vietnamese Garlic Chives Soup (Canh Dau Hu He)
Wildlife Plants from Viewers
Rock Penstemon
Hummingbird Plants
Shade Plants in Deer Country: Trisha Shirey & Barbara Wise
Scott Ogden plant list Mary and Lewis Fisher San Antonio Garden
Cold Hardy Succulent Hanging Basket: John Dromgoole
Clumping Grasses
Spider Lily
American Beautyberry
Spring rolls with Trisha Shirey and Casie Luong
Prickly Pear Cactus
Fried Squash Blossoms: Richard Alcorta
Crinum Lily
Viewer Wildlife Garden Pictures
Globe Mallow
Flame acanthus
Forsythia Sage
Orange Shrimp Plant
Sambac Jasmine
Peter’s Purple bee balm
Beekeeping Tips Bee Friendly Austin: Tanya Phillips
Mealy Blue Sage
Butterfly Iris
Yucca Pallida
Mexican Flame Vine
Palo Verde ‘Desert Museum’
Leek recipes
‘Soft Caress’ Mahonia
Fall/Winter Vegetables: John Dromgoole
Lacey Oak
Possumhaw Holly
Honey or Texas Mesquite
Chile pequin/tepin salsa
Four-nerve daisy
Eggplant: Trisha Shirey
Little Ruby Alternanthera
Variegated Cuban Oregano
Abraham Darby David Austin Rose
Native Perennials: Barbara Wright, Wright’s Nursery
Monarch butterfly adults and eggs: Kerstin Chapman
Gulf Fritillary butterfly newly emerged: Kyla Rodgers
Agave Sunscald Remedy
Giant squash leaves: Kathy Boyle
Squash and tomatoes: Robin McGary
Vegetable and berry garden Universal City: Lisa Caldera
Monarch butterfly caterpillar on tropical milkweed: Mary Alice Lantz
Cicada: Kathryne Harte
Salvia coccinea
Wildflowers Spring 2016: Luciano Velez, Jean Bettencourt, Chuck Johnson
‘Pinot Noir’ Pepper
Leek flowers and how to grow: Louise Suhey
Golden Barrel Cactus
Fruit, Vegetable & Herb Infused Water: Trisha Shirey
Wasp on Knock Out rose: Nichole Staehling
Easter Barrel cactus: Kim Simmons
Tropical Bromeliad
Fire ant control in compost piles: John Dromgoole
Hellebores (Lenten roses) in Kerrville: Natalie Vollmar
Peony in Texas: Ann Wilson
‘Grapes’ Gomphrena
Giant spiderwort: Victoria Dawson in Lakeway
Sage Advice: Trisha Shirey
Almond Verbena
Gopher Plant, Silver Spurge
Summer Heat Lovers: Jessica Robertson
Bottle tree hand-blown tequila bottles: Phyllis & Charlie Hirst
Globe Mallow
Cute tree frog: Allison Floyd
Big Red Sage
Herbal hand scrubs & softeners & nail treatments: Trisha Shirey
Christmas Cactus: Stephen Heineke
Spring blooming trees: April Rose, Joe Wagner, Heather Jefts
Butterfly Pictures from Viewers
Stevia natural sweetener: Trisha Shirey
Butterfly and Moth Viewer Pictures
*Native Plants: trees, shrubs, perennials, groundcovers, grasses
Rusty Blackhaw Viburnum
Tomato Plant Trick: Michelle Mitchell
Houseplants and Office Plants: John Dromgoole
Brugmansia (Angel Trumpet) in Winter: Jackie Dye
Bee pollinating peach tree: Jessica and Lance Romigh
Stretches for Gardeners
Texas palmetto
Zebra Longwing laying eggs on passion vine: Diana Saunders
American Smoke Tree
Weed Tea Fertilizer: Trisha Shirey
Weed pesto recipe: Trisha Shirey
Yellow bearded iris in January: Rowena Fengel
Beneficial Weeds
Bumble bee on mealy blue sage: Jackie Baltrun
No Lawn Shady Garden: Viki & Sam Strauss
Star Jasmine
Hypertufa and patio design: Johnny Whitworth
Red Admiral butterfly on cilantro flowers: Jason Lantz
Newe Ya’ar Sage
Recycle glass table top into waterwall
Stained concrete bunnies
Larry Womack’s fruit trees
Milk crate plant protect
Berkeley Sedge
Ornamental cabbage: Katherine Carrington
Mexican buckeye
Crape myrtle: Jean Warner
Texas star hibiscus, Lycoris aurea
Mary Irish tree, perennial and book list 2015
Summer Favorites
Pond and water lily wedding gift: Gail & Mike Standley
Xylosma Congestum
Front yard makeover no grass: Doris Reagan
Trailing Indigo Bush
Highland Lakes Master Gardener Helping Center garden in Marble Falls
Kirk Walden plant list
Plum Yew
Cactus flowers
Bear’s Breeches
Krause Springs garden
Lemon Balm
Crinum lily, Linda Ofshe
Citrus damage
Mexican Mint Marigold
Rollingwood City Hall
Snowberry clearwing moth by Scott Stoker
Potting Soil, Seed Starting, Succulent Potting Soil
Tomato, Pepper, Eggplant Varieties
Yucca rostrata
Divide and propagate succulents
Texas persimmon
Double-headed sunflower
Bottlebrush tree in Cibolo by Rich Hartsell
Moy Grande Hibiscus
Longwood Gardens
Garden Cocktails
Hypertufa Design with Colleen Dieter
Aloe Maculata
Hoop house structure for vegetable gardens
Mary Valente’s Front Yard Vegetable Garden
Garden trellis with old branches
Vegetable Garden from Cinder Blocks
Bearded Iris
Pruned Crape Myrtle
Judy Garland Rose
Bluebonnets, taken by Lance and Dawn Ware
Mitzi VanSant’s Grandchildren in a Sea of Bluebonnets
Mitzi VanSant’s Grandchildren in Bluebonnets
MJ’s Redbud Tree
BJ Jenkins
Alicia Froelich and Paul Ortner
John Thomas
Stephanie and Todd Lanier
Almond verbena
Viewer Pictures
Woolly Stemodia
Rachael Beavers
Purple Hyacinth bean
Ann Richards
Trellis from tree branches
Central Texas Guides & Organizations
Silver Ponyfoot
Lindsey Mayer
Ryan and Havilah Gee
Colleen Dieter
Rose Eide
Evergreen Sumac
Bill Adams
Robbi Will
Chandler Ford
Colby Adams
Tait Moring
‘Sharifa Asma’ rose
Lorig Hawkins
Ixchel Granada
Aaron Kotwal
Kale Caesar Salad
Texas Sedge
Sarah Munro
Mexican Sycamore
Christopher Kimball
Bernsen Family
Mick’s Shade List
Mick Vann
Do I need to water my lawn in winter?
Oak Hill Elementary
Douglas Tallamy
Sara Breuer
Bald Cypress
Garlic Chives
Gayle Engels
Vicki Blachman
Barbara and Bobby Wright
Coral Honeysuckle
Deena Spellman
Austin Neal
Purple Skullcap
Cathy Downs
Jenny and David Stocker
Yaupon holly
White-Veined Dutchman’s Pipe
White Butterfly Ginger
Turks cap
Texas Redbud
Texas Everbearing Fig
Paula Foore
Charlotte Yeisley
Suzanne Haffey
Lynne Wernli
Stephen Orr
Randy Jewart
Sally White
Jay White
April Hendricks
Kylee Baumle
Jenny Peterson
Swiss Chard
April Rose
Lori Daul
Ivy Lara
Doris Green
Gil Starkey
Bobbie Tsukahara
Leah Leveridge
Joe Denton
Betsy Hilton
Lisa Berdoll
Cecilia Neuhaus
Claire Golden
Gerald Ronga
Betty Ronga
David Meeker
Paul Lofton
Lyda Guz
Kellan Vincent
Elizabeth McGreevy
John Stott
Lee Clippard
Link Davidson
Cherie Colburn
Kathleen Lorsbach
Patrick Allen
Glee Ingram
Dick Peterson
Billy Lee Myers Jr.
David Timmons
Deb Tolman
Jackie Davis
Curt Arnette
Pete Hausmann
Christine Hausmann
Diana Kirby
David Brearley
Molly O’Halloran
Don Gardener
Annie Gillespie
Pink Trumpet Vine
Pink Skullcap
Pink Muhly Grass (Regal Mist)
Pink Evening Primrose
Ashley McKenzie
Jim Weber
Lynne Weber
Greg Grant
Ellie Hanlon
David Cristiani
Liz Klein
Pam Penick
Meredith Thomas
Bob Hersey
Ragna Hersey
Robin Howard Moore
Peter J. Hatch
John G. Fairey
Helen Roberts
Adams Kirkpatrick
Rob Nash
Sharon Lovejoy
Debra Prinzing
Sari Albornoz
Benjamin Shrader
Marianna Trevino-Wright
Ida Bujan
Philippine Violet
Passion Vine
Oakleaf Hydrangea
Rose (Mutabilis) or Earth-Kind Rose
Moth Orchid
Montezuma Cypress
Mexican Plum
Larkspur, Sweet Peas, and Poppies
Susan Orlean
Monica Gaylord
Brent Heath
Geyata Ajilvsgi
Anne Bellomy
Nathan Unclebach
Bill Neiman
Mary Lew Quesinberry
Mexican Mint Marigold and Pineapple Sage
Mexican Milkweed
Mexican Bush Sage
Mealy Blue Sage
Globe Mallow
Gazania ‘Aztec Orange’
Jerusalem Sage
Heavenly Cloud (Texas Sage)
Kalanchoe (Mother of Thousands)
John Gambini
Carla Jean Oldenkamp
Sandra Killough
Bob Beyer
Lana Beyer
Kenneth Francis
Ginger Hudson
Mike Fowler
Donna Fowler
Paige Hill
Dr. William C. Welch
David Stocker
Jennifer Stocker
Richard Louv
Frank Guridy
Deborah Paredez
Gregg’s Mistflower
Gray Santolina
Flame Acanthus
Four-Nerve Daisy
Firecracker Plant
Eves Necklace
Dahlberg Daisy
Christmas Cactus
Chocolate Flower
Chaparral Sage
Crossvine Tangerine Beauty
Copper Canyon daisy
Cleome Seniorita Rosalita
Cedar Sage
Carolina Jessamine
Rose (Carefree Beauty or Katy Road Pink)
Butterfly weed
Butterfly Bush
Bronze Fennel
Blackfoot Daisy
Bat-faced Cuphea ‘Flamenco’ Series
Autumn Fire Sedum
Artichoke Agave
Arizona Cypress
Anacacho Orchid
American Beautyberry
Gary Moss
Dani Moss
Brandi Blaisdell
Rob Moshein
Bob Atchison
Mark Simmons
Ed Fair
Penny Smith-Kerker
Ally Stresing
Janet Rademacher
Heather Ginsburg
Jessica Wilson
Andy Stewart
Laura Stewart
Chris Smartt
John McMillan
Irene Anderson
Rita Anders
Karl Tinsley
Linda Tinsley
Travis McGarraugh
Laura McGarraugh
Claudia Hubenthal
Robin Matthews
Ann Matthews
African Violets
George Altgelt
Mike Quinn
Lynne Dobson
Pat McNeal
Elayne Lansford
Jay Beard
The East Side Compost Pedallers
December To Do List
November To Do List
July To Do List
June To Do List
May To Do List
April To Do List
October To Do List
September To Do List
March To Do List
February To Do List
January To Do List
Snake Herb
Sparkler Sedge
Sweet Potato Vine
Tecoma X ‘Orange Jubilee’
Texas Betony
Texas Persimmon
Texas poinsettia
Texas Star Hibiscus
Tatume Squash
Thryallis (Galphimia glauca)
White Mistflower
Winter Vegetables
Agastache ‘Acapulco Salmon and Pink’
Aloe Vera
Bamboo Muhly
Barbados Cherry
Bay Laurel
Beach Vitex
Black Pearl Pepper
Bluebonnet (Lady Bird Johnson Royal Blue)
Rose (Brazilian Rock)
Butterfly Vine
Calendula Flower and DIY Salve
Cardinal Velvet
Celosia Spictata ‘Flamingo Feather’
Cenizo (Texas Sage)
Chile Pequin and Chiltepin
Chinkapin Oak
Christmas Poinsettia
Creeping Germander
Crinum Lily
Desert Willow
Dwarf Pittosporum
Engelmann’s Daisy
Euphorbia ‘Diamond Frost’
Gaura Lindheimeri
Giant Coneflower
Globe Amaranth
Golden Groundsel
Goldenball Lead Tree
Gopher Plant
Rose (Grandma’s Yellow)
Heartleaf Skullcap
Ice Plant
Iris, bearded
Kale (Ornamental)
Lamb’s Ears
Lindheimer Muhly
Bluebonnet (Maroon)
Mexican Feather Grass
Mexican Honeysuckle
Mexican Olive
Mexican Tithonia
Monterrey Oak
Mountain Laurel
Mountain Pea
Pam’s Pink Turk’s Cap
Phlox Paniculata ‘John Fanick’
Pineapple Guava
Pink Fairy Duster
Possumhaw Holly
Pride of Barbados
Queen’s Wreath, Coral Vine
Rangoon Creeper
Red Yucca
Rose (Rock)
Ruby Crystals Grass
Satsuma ‘Orange Frost’
Shoestring Acacia
Skeleton-Leaf Goldeneye
Mexican Orchid Tree
Firecracker Fern
Green Germander
Christy Ten Eyck
Tim Miller
August To Do List
Daphne Richards
Amy Stewart
Lucinda Hutson
Trisha Shirey
John Dromgoole
Steve Kainer
Sam Slaughter
Wizzie Brown
Tricia Martin
Lamar Hankins
Jeff Pavlat
Jimmy Turner
Mae Sanchez
Bill Scheick
Patrick Kirwin
Michael Cain
Lauren Springer Ogden and Scott Ogden
Matt Turner
Monte Nesbitt
Christine and Bill Reid
Meredith O’Reilly
Chris Wiesinger
Richard Blocker
Jim Kamas
Amanda Moon
Nancy Webber
Drew Demler
Randa Daude
Erin Flynn and Skip Connett
Adam Diaz
Marney Abel
Sweetpea Hoover
Cindy Phillips
Jeff Yarbrough
Kelly Bender
Guy LeBlanc
Bob Barth
Crystal Murray
Sharon Truett
Andrea DeLong-Amaya
Michelle Pfluger
Merrideth Jiles
Mike Piwonka
William Glenn
Jared Pyka
Alice Nance
E.E. “Mitch” Mitchamore
Scott Thurmon
Mitzi VanSant
Michael Shoup
Justin Kasulka
Steve Bridges
Mary Irish
Sean Watson
Susan Wittig Albert
Renee Studebaker
Max Elliott
Jon Hutson
Brent Pemberton
Cindy Arredondo
Marcus Young
Eric Pedley
Kim and Mark Gaddy
Alexandra McBrearty
Chris Camacho
Robert Beyer
Tom Peace
Janice Patton
Judy Barrett
JJ Weber
Russell Womack
Larry Womack
Shade Plant List by Jon Hutson Tillery Street Plant Company
Deer and Cold Proof Succulents
Attracting Bees to Your Yard and Garden
Fruit Trees
Cover Crops for Winter Gardens
Russell Womack Partial Plant List for Garden Makeover
Seeds Versus Transplants
Refrigerator Pickles
Succulent and Cactus Potting Soil
Palate Pleasing Popsicles for Summer Fun
Root Knot Nematodes
Freezing and Drying Vegetables and Fruits
Sonoran Simple Salsa
Tips for Fighting Fire Ants and Other Pests
Watermelon Slush
Stimulating Microorganisms/Fending Off Disease
Tomatoes Planting and Growing Tips
Strawberry Lemongrass Punch
Tomato pests and problems
Succulent potting soil mix
Watermelon Margarita with Basil
Suggested Herbs for Mind and Body
Winter Maintenance of Fruit Trees
Summer Basil Splash
Tips for Disease Control
Summer Garden Bounty
Tomato disease
Swiss Chard Enchiladas
Tomato Problems
Vegetables in Containers
Texas Persimmon Jam
Watermelon Margaritas
The Organic Arsenal
Weed Control
Millberg’s Swiss Chard Pie
Quick Rose Geranium Apple Jelly
Pond Algae
Lemon Verbena Care
Sorrel Soup
Lemon Verbena Liqueur
Potting soil for hanging plants and containers
Liquid Soil Activators
Rose Petal Beads
Mint Honey Butter
Mint Julep Spritzer
Potato Planting
Mint Nut Bread
Mint Syrup
Roasted Winter Vegetables with Leeks
Moroccan Mustard Greens
Sorrel Omelet
Mosquito Control
Lemon Verbena Angel Food Cake
Mosquito Control (John Dromgoole)
Plants to Dry for Potpourri and Arrangements
Mosquito Control Tips
Potato and Leek Soup
Mustard Green Varieties and Cultivation
Potting mix for cactus plants, sedums and other succulents
Mustard Greens with Ginger and Curry
Preparing Persimmons for Freezing or for Cooking
Natural Egg Dyes
Pruning Methods for Roses
Natural Insect Repellent
Roasted Cauliflower
Nitrogen Sources
Rose Geranium Pound Cake
Orange and Fennel Salad
Seed Starter Formula
Peach Sangria
Sorrel Sauce
Pear Mincemeat
Spinach and Swiss Chard Quiche
Herbal Ice Cubes
Herbal Libations
Lawn Tips: Reclaiming your Lawn
Lavender Drop Cookies
Lemon Sugar and More
Kale and White Bean Soup
Herb Oils and Butters
Herbal Drinks
Ginger or Lemongrass Syrup
Herbal Body Scrub and Oils
Herbal Floor Wash
Grasshopper Control
Herbal Body Scrub
Green Tea and Garden Herbs
Herbal Carpet Deodorizer
Helpful Products
Herbal Flea Repellents
Judy Barrett Book List
Homemade Fungicides and Insecticides
Herbal Vinegars
Lack of Nitrogen and Iron
Herbal Syrups
Herbal Scouring Powder
Homemade fertilizers and fungicides
Hot Herbal Oil Treatments for Hands
How To Kill Plants
How to Improve the Fire Resistance of Your Christmas Tree
How To Make Your Christmas Tree Last Longer
Iced Teas
Insecticidal and Fungicidal Oils: Dormant and All-seasons Oils
Jalapeno Jelly
John Dromgoole’s Potting Soil Mixes
Ginger Hudson Design Tips
Fruit Tree Tips: Pomegranates, Pears, Figs
Get Growing with Tomatoes
Formula for Killing Poison Ivy and Other Plant Pests
Frozen Bloody Mary
Freezing Herbs for Year Round Use
Eggplant Enchiladas
Earth-wise Guide to Pruning
Crispy Kale Chips
Fertilizing Your Container Gardens
Cucumber growing
Eggplant and Basil Cheese Casserole
Cucumber recipes
Custom-Made Fertilizers
Cut Flower Preservation
Edible Flowers
Eggplant Casserole
Dog Training for the Garden
EZ Herbs High Energy Chai Tea
Dream Pillows
Fennel Bulb Cooking Ideas
Drying Herbs
Fig and Pineapple Jelly
Brugmansias and Daturas
Basil Bounty
Basil, Mint, Lavender Ice Cream
Merrideth Jiles’ Citrus Plants
Bath Salts
Brown Patch
Bay Laurel Bath
Cherry Tomatoes and Pasta
Bok Choy
Collard Green Makeover
Baked Cauliflower
Agaves for the Landscape
Aguas Frescas
Basic Greens Recipe
Amending Clay Soil
Baba Ghanoush
Artichoke and Lemon Pesto
Baking Soda Recipes
Arugula and Pear Salad with Citrus Vinaigrette
Basics for Home Canning
Winter Colors
Winter Color with Ornamental and Edible Annuals
Winter Color
Wildflowers that Add Color Throughout the Year
Wayback Garden
Wade Roitsch’s Succulent List
Vine List
Tropical Edibles
How Not to Kill Your Trees Pt. 2
Variegated Plants
Bulb List
Trees for Awkward Spaces
How Not to Kill Your Trees
Transitional Color with Summer Perennials
Toxic Plants for Pets
Top Ten Austin Grown Herbs
Tough Plants
Top 10 Remarkable Plants for CTG
Tomato List
Tips for Fall Planted Herbs
Mick Vann’s List of Thai Herbs, Vegetables, and Fruits
Tillery Street Plant Company Plant List
Texas Superstar Plants
Sun, Shade, Containers, and Interior Space
Summer color plants
Summertime Flowers and Herbs
Summer plants for sun
Summer Color
Summer Bulbs
Summer Annuals for Shade
Succulents for kids
Succulent and Cactus Soil Mix
Succulent Care and Lists
Succulent Pachypodiums and Adeniums
Soft Sculptural Plants
Small Place Plants
Structural Plants for Sun and Shade
Street Plants
Shrubs and Trees
Sidewalk Plants
Sean Watson’s Plant List
Shade Plants
Reid’s Nursery Summertime Favorites
Preserving Basil and Drying Herbs
Psychoactive Plants
Pond Plants
Plants to Line a Driveway
Prehistoric Plants
Plants for Warm Weather Color
Plant Forms and Styles
Plant Structures
Plant Combos for Containers and Beds
Perennial Color for Sun and Shade
Ornamental Grasses
Olive and Fruit Tree List
Naturalizing Bulbs
Native Small Trees and Shrubs
Native plants (screens, vines, and accents)
Native Plants – Alternatives to Exotic Invasives
Native Plants
Native Grasses
Types of Mulch
Native and Understory Trees
Native and Edible Plant List
Mitzi VanSant’s Plant List
Michael’s EarthKind Rose List
Michelle Pfluger’s Citrus Plants
Made for the Shade: Well Adapted Plants for Shady Areas
Shade Plants
Kale varieties
List of Indoor Plants
Justin Kasulka’s Plant List
Jim Kamas’s Recommended Varieties of Grapes
Invasive Plant Alternatives
Herbs for Fragrance and Kitchen
Herb List
Hardy Ferns
Hardy Agaves
Groundcovers for Sun or Shade
Groundcover Plants
Grass Choices for Sun or Shade Lawns
Ginger Garden
Gary Peese’s Tomato List
Freeze-Damaged Succulents
Forever Gardens Drought List
Fern List
Favorite Fragrant Roses
Evergreen Structure
Emerald Garden’s Summer Color Plant List
Drought and Freeze Plants
Drought-Tough Ornamental Grasses and Sedges
Drought-Tolerant Perennial Irises
Drought Tolerant Plants for Shade
Deer Resistant Plants
Double-Duty Plants
Curbside Plants
Crepe Myrtle List
Creamy Garlic Dressing for Kale Caesar Salad
Cool-Weather Interest
Cold Weather Vegetables
Common Weeds
Tropical Edibles
Citrus Plants List
Christine and Bill Reid’s Plant List
Caterpillar Larval Plants with Meredith O’Reilly
Chris Wiesinger’s Plant List
Cactus Plants
Bloomers Plant List
Blackberry and Fruit Tree List
Bulbs You Plant Once
Butterfly Plants
Bill Scheick’s Plant List
Best Trees from Small to Large
Bees, Butterflies, and Birds
Bastrop Gardens Plant List
Backyard Plants
Lawn problems and solutions
Aralias & Hoyas
Bamboo List
Aloe List
10 new Summer Annuals Honored with the FlameProof award from the Dallas Arboretum Trials Program
Emerald Garden’s Summer Plant List
DIY Projects to Give Your Garden Dimension
Merredith Jiles’ Drought Survivors
Michael Cain’s Drought Plants List
Weed Teas
Patrick Kirwin’s Plant List
Merredith Jiles’ Watering Techniques
Matt Turner’s Plant List
Tricia Martin’s Deer Resistant Plant List
Success with Seeds
Growing Garlic
Succulent Pests