March 7, 2019
After the Freeze
We sure can pack all four seasons into one week! In Burnet, native live oak trees are all aglow–their golden spring version of leaf-peeping–as they drop some of last year’s leaves for new growth. (So, if your live oaks are looking yellowed, but not “striped” orange in the middle, it’s okay.)
From brisk to baking in five days, native trees like this soon-to-leaf Texas persimmon take it in structural stride.
Despite dips to 23° in my East Austin garden, buds on my self-seeded peach made it through fine.
My Mexican redbud doesn’t appear to be daunted.
The question on so many minds: are the fruit trees okay? Will they set fruit? We’ll know soon!
Microclimates do make a difference. On one side of the yard, Mexican honeysuckle still flaunts orange temptations against leafy native Baby Blue Eyes wildflowers and strappy Freesia ‘Laxa’ flowers. I will be cutting back the Mexican honeysuckles in a few weeks to make way for new growth.
Some of the little coral Freesia ‘Laxa’ look a little wounded on top, but the roots will be fine to make a comeback next year. I have lost tiny first-year transplants to extended freeze soon after planting, but this clump has never failed.
My various narcissus drooped, including ‘Abba’ and golden/orange ‘Falconet’. I cut a few to bring inside, and after inserting into warm water, they perked right back up. The house smells glorious!
In case you missed it, this week discover how native mountain cedars made an important contribution in pioneer days and why to treasure them now. Landscape designer and ecologist Elizabeth McGreevy explores their value to our holistic ecology, ways to alleviate allergies, and how to prune for fire safety.
Watch for her tell-all book in August 2019, Wanted! Mountain Cedar: Dead and Alive.
On tour: On a rocky hilltop in West Austin, Cera-Mix Studio artist Claudia Reese sculpted a home and garden tied into the land with the intricacy and passion she brings to her mosaics, tiles, and sculptures.
Inspired by Pliny Fisk of the Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems, she designed resourceful living, from rainwater collection to a compressed earth house and outdoor living.
Watch now!
And thanks for stopping by! Linda