


Grateful for Wildlife Gardeners Like You!

Monarch butterfly on blue gregg's mistflowers
Across this adventurous year, gardeners spanning Central Texas welcomed us into their gardens and heartfelt journeys. Goals, styles, and personalities vary, but all share one thing: a commitment to restore wildlife habitat. Over and over, we heard, “Thanks to what we’re doing, we’re seeing so many more butterflies, bees, lizards, and birds. We’re so grateful.”
black fuzzy caterpillar orange dots
Sadly, though, we’ve all observed diminished wildlife populations this year. So, I was thrilled and quite grateful to find six woolly bear caterpillars on my native desert willow! I wonder how many hair styles these guys inspired?!
white moth with circular black markings
There are several “woolly bears,” but I think these will grace us as eye-catching giant leopard moths next year. For one thing, I see them in my garden and the Wildflower Center notes that desert willow is a host plant for white-winged moths.
black and orange caterpillar on leaf
On CTG’s Facebook page and Instagram, I learned that people across Texas and indeed, the U.S, are seeing lots of them this year. I don’t know what that means, but the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service posted that these little “bears” will overwinter in leaves. In colder regions, they will actually freeze and thaw out in spring to pupate into cocoons.

And there you go: another great reason to “leave the leaves!” If on the lawn, rake them into beds and borders or around your trees (away from the trunk) to nourish your soil and protect plant roots and hunkering-down wildlife.

black fuzzy caterpillar orange markings
Note: there’s no scientific data to support the woolly bear’s ability to predict how cold winter will be! Also, you can pet them if you like. They’re quite friendly! I’ve even picked them up to move out of footpath danger.
white fuzzy caterpillar on edge of plant container
You DO want to avoid petting asps, which are just as fuzzy wuzzy cute, but no touch on these stinging caterpillars! Thanks to Julie Gilbert in Fate, Texas for sharing this one!
man in turkey costume with son at school
And we’re grateful for YOU! Host John Hart Asher joins all of us at CTG and Austin PBS to thank you for sharing this year with us. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families!


Support for Central Texas Gardener id provided by Lisa and Desi Roden, Diane Land and Steve Adler, and Texas Master Gardener
