August 15, 2023
Busy Bees All Around!
Endless triple digit days suit desert willow just fine. And to prove it, this native small tree is ready with a “howdy” for everyone who stops in at Austin PBS and Central Texas Gardener.
Airborne greeters—acrobatic hummingbirds and furry bumble bees heading for the floral food court—entertain me every morning.
We were busy bees, too, when on August 8 we hit “record” for CTG’s first fall broadcasts. Thanks to a talented Austin PBS team (not all pictured), it went like clockwork. CEO Luis Patino stopped by for by cheers all around. (Photo by John Breed, Studio Coordinator for ACC’s Studio B next door, who’s prepping their first records, too.)
A few days before, we held the technical version of a dress rehearsal for camera angles, lighting, set touchups and control room details. Doug LaValliere checked it all out with a new camera.
He and Eric Davis stabilized our new artificial plants (that need no light or water!), so they don’t flop over at a most inconvenient moment. Believe me, this wasn’t as easy as it seems. A drill bit actually bit the dust.
Austin PBS summer interns Logan Stephens and Tanner Bass gave us a laugh with their impromptu CTG interview. “And why is it that you don’t have time to take care of your artificial plants?” Logan asked with a straight face.
On recording day, floor manager Steve Maedl set out the cute “park here” signs for our guests, also created by Logan and Tanner.
Engineer Jeffrey Boer calibrated and matched all three cameras, so the color and levels are all the same when you watch. You can get camera calibration/color charts (chip chart) for your own videos.
In the control room, Jeffrey showed Tanner his procedure. Later, senior editor Paul Sweeney stepped in to start and stop our digital records, naming each for guest and camera(s).
Katie Nelson set up teleprompter scripts while director Ed Fuentes finalized the switcher and monitors with the engineers.
Audio engineer Arun Venkatesh patched it all in before heading out to attach guest microphones and then check levels.
Beverly Barrett framed her shot.
Heads up!
Host John Hart Asher and beloved guest Andrea DeLong-Amaya, Director of Horticulture at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, swapped ideas about timesharing plants for habitat, discovery and beauty across seasons. Dream team coming your way October 14! (Photo by JJ Weber)
New Garden Road’s Scott Blackburn took the Backyard Basics spot, after getting “de-humidified” by Steve Maedl.
And what a pup-a-razzi rush to snuggle Augie again, now pushing age 14! But you’ll certainly appreciate Daphne’s timely tips to answer your questions, too.
Thank you all for being part of our intrepid team! Linda