May 2, 2023
Dazzled, Inspired, Charmed: CTG on the Go
Gardeners really, really pay attention to weather. And if they’re heading out with a camera—as CTG has been for weeks—you’re ready for weather that can change dramatically in just a few hours, if not minutes or even seconds!
We dodged the rain (sometimes with an umbrella over the camera) on a magical misty morning with James Barela and Ray Delgadillo at their young prairie-meets-cottage garden in Texas drought-tough style. Not so long ago, it was all lawn. With time, plants started from seed, and creative vision, flurries of bees and butterflies thank them for their hard work and patience over challenging weather since they put a shovel in.
At another small footprint garden, local artisans, artists, architects and landscape designers united at the Octopus house where narrow, gentle streams and waterfalls tumble along a steep incline front and back.
Then, we headed to a new subdivision one cool morning when the sun was bright, but with wind so fierce that we snuggled close into our jackets. Quickly, Tyaga Welch’s hospitality and passion warmed us up. A permaculture designer as Humane Sustainable Earth, he turned a utilitarian strip between house and fence into a lively experience. Uniting aquaponics, wicking bed, and water management berms and swales, he created a food forest for people, birds, and pollinators.
A cloudless sky prevailed at Aditya Prasad and Mansi Prikh’s very young garden, where just last fall they pulled out many of their first-try plants and seeded glorious annual and perennial spring-through-fall blooming wildflowers.
Clouds melted into sun at a Hill Country garden in a stewardship of native plant restoration, adapted plants, and rainwater management (including a 36,000 gallon cistern).
Dreamy clouds followed us to the wondrous land-regenerative gardens stewarded by Shaman Jesus Garcia at the community initiative HerbalActionProject. Children, teens, and adults (including budding herbalists) unite to kindle or rekindle wonder with the earth and its creatures along with culinary, healing, and cultural history. Meet him in person at American Botanical Council’s HerbDays on Saturday, May 6. The event goes from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., with talks, plant sales, and garden tours. Jesus speaks at noon.
Coming up May 18 on CTG online: Surprises and experiences in Jo Ann and Jeff Glanz’s garden of many vignettes, and one of the gardens on the Austin Pond Society’s Pond and Garden tour June 3 & 4.
Taped last November on a very chilly morning, Jo Ann’s garden absolutely sparkled along winding trails and artistically-designed destinations, a project-in-progress for many years after work.
As they say, please stay tuned, since there’s lots more coming up! Thanks for stopping by, Linda