August 21, 2019
Hot New CTG Season Coming Your Way!
I’m first in line to slam the door on the second hottest (and very dry) August in Austin history. Even stalwarts like Turk’s cap are parched. Mexican honeysuckle (Justicia spicigera) popped one bright bloom for hummingbirds. Dragonflies hang out on it, perhaps to grab a drink from the kiddie pool.
It won’t be much cooler to celebrate our fall season premiere on September 7, but we should be on the temperature downslide!
Already, we’re looking ahead to fall vegetables, but what should we do after a season of rampant fungal disease and sun-scalded soil? Here to help is Randy Thompson from Sunshine Community Gardens who feels our pain and knows what to do.
Indoor gardeners aren’t exempt from intense rays since houseplants can suffer from scalded leaves. On tour, Tillery Street Houseplant Manager Melissa Hagen shares her tips for houseplant care, even in summer.
Plus, see how she turned her ordinary bedroom into an extraordinary, artistic haven with sentimental finds.
September 14, Mandi Golman from Yarrow Landscaping explores large space design.
Her daughter supervised in the control room to approve mom’s description of an urban permaculture and updated lumberyard mixed-use commercial art and residential space.
That’s September 14, not February 14, but on tour we’ve got an early Valentine for you. As Alitza and Alfredo Vallejo approached their 50th wedding anniversary, he built her a new garden of family memories and lots of love.
Viewers had LOTS of problems this summer due to early rain and cool temps followed by total dry-out and heat stress. Daphne analyzes the troubles and explains what to do, if anything.
But gardeners captured some incredible moments, too!
John readies us for pruning season. Once it cools off—especially if we get a little rain—we can do a little trimming to push out a fall flower flush.
If your gloves are as worn out as our soil, he compares options for your multi-tasking chores. And from personal experience: you need gauntlet gloves, you really do.
That’s just for starters! We’ve got an incredible season of stories, ideas, and inspiring guests in-studio and on location. As they say, say tuned for more!
Thanks for stopping by! In hopes for cooler temps next week, see you then, Linda