May 2, 2019
The Wellness Garden with Shawna Coronado
Even a brief break outdoors rejuvenates and heals us. A whiff of deeply fragrant roses, like my Maggie, calms my deadline frenzy.
My native Geum canadense always reminds me that patience matters in today’s now, now, now expectations.
I planted a few of these native shade-loving, evergreen perennial groundcovers a few years ago (snagged at a Wildflower Center plant sale). They self-seeded to now cover the ground quite richly, inviting pollinators to their spring flowers.
Susan and Mark Snyder refuel in a gorgeous design of food, flowers, and art in a garden that was plain old nothing a few years ago.
They’re project people like I am, but Susan and Mark have got a knack I lack! We taped last week, so their inspiring DIY story comes your way next fall.
This week: Author, wellness coach, and all-around passionate gardener Shawna Coronado combats stress and chronic health issues (or just daily issues) with tips from her latest book The Wellness Garden: Grow, Eat, And Walk Your Way to Better Health.
When she was diagnosed with osteoarthritis, I followed her steps on Facebook since I’d just been diagnosed with acute tendinosis. To help us all, Shawna turned her journey to an almost pain-free, allergy-free life into The Wellness Garden.
Each page is packed with facts, astounding revelations, and helpful changes in garden practices and tools. Shawna’s a natural cheerleader, too, so it’s like your encouraging best friend’s right there with you. Watch now!
Plants themselves are not always so well. Marsha Gear’s got lots of ball moss, a native tillandsia (aka air plant that you buy in stores!). A few are no big deal, but a crowd can reduce the tree’s capacity to photosynthesize.
And Carol Boeck has a problem with her St. Augustine lawn. It was very healthy until late summer of 2018 (when we had so many days of over 100°). Then, it started to decline, spreading to about two-thirds of the area.
It was easily pulled up from the soil.
But, she reports that now she’s got emerging green runners. Is this fungal disease or drought? It could be both, Daphne tells us. Get her answer on ball moss and lawn decline.
Trisha’s moved away from Austin, but her CTG lessons are still right here, right now. Since we’ve entered squash vine borer season, get her tips to take control, including her latest, greatest find.
On tour: In Waco, Sheila and Tim Smith cultivate a charming cottage design for hospitality, pollinators, and food.
When Sheila was diagnosed with lupus, the garden (and Tim’s new chicken coop from recycled materials) empowered her when days were especially challenging.
It’s become her healing place in a sanctuary that warmly embraces family and friends.
Meet Sheila and Tim now and watch their story!
Thanks for stopping by! See you next week, Linda