


Floral Food

I found the perfect holiday ornament right outside my front door!

Shade-loving native pigeonberry designed this all by itself. I guess the birds admired it so much that they left this last, lone fruit to shine.

Nearby, bees and butterflies scrambled for the free shrimp (plant).

In temperate winter microclimates, shrimp plant doesn’t toss the decorations until I prune them back in late February or early March. Supposedly deer resistant, shrimp plants are very drought tolerant.

My calamondin oranges are going gang-busters since I remembered to dose my container plant with high nitrogen fertilizer a couple of times this year. I use Citrus-Tone after Trisha praised its organic ingredients and beneficial microbes. Watch her segment about calamondins, limes, and kumquat.

Well, that worked! It looked so bad last year that I almost dumped it. In a container, it can really take a hit in super cold weather if not protected, which I didn’t. But it rallied ‘round!

This weekend, I’ll harvest the plump little fruits. I’ve got my eye on Jennifer Stocker’s marmalade recipe on her blog Rock Rose.

From citrus to corn, home gardeners are eating their gardens instead of mowing them. Horticulturist, speaker, and author Brie Arthur joyfully explains how she got started and why she launched The Foodscape Revolution.

On tour, how does growing food unite a community? In East Austin, the Festival Beach Community Garden brings together multicultural gardeners of all ages to share planting techniques, seeds, and recipes.

On adjacent park land, volunteers at the Festival Beach Food Forest nurture a 7-layer fence-free food forest open to public harvesting.

Watch now!

Thanks for stopping by! See you next week, Linda

Support for Central Texas Gardener id provided by Lisa and Desi Roden, Diane Land and Steve Adler, and Texas Master Gardener
