


Up Front & Out Back: Buffalo to Austin

Pretty front yard gardens sure take the sting out of Austin’s hellacious traffic. Always, they curb a few grumbles!
street gardens, curb gardens, east austin
I can’t say what traffic’s like in Buffalo’s neighborhoods on a weekday. But this soothing median’s bound to calm down coffee-jazzed meeting-at-8 drivers. Maintained by neighborhood volunteers, it resonates the city’s commitment to parkways and parks designed by Frederick Law Olmsted.
Buffalo, street gardens, copper beeches
As in Austin’s older neighborhoods, tiny front yard jewels front personable homes, though these in Buffalo were built decades earlier.
front gardens, no lawn, Buffalo
Altheas (Rose of Sharon) and coneflowers really pop against this purplish house.
Buffalo, coneflower, althea
Decorum and architectural garden charisma unite in this front yard where a disappearing fountain complements the home’s turret.
formal, Buffalo, fence
no lawn gardens Garden Walk Buffalo Central Texas Gardener
I missed the story on this one, since I lagged behind in awe, but I’d say that a train theme is going on. Sedges and clump grasses contribute “grassy” forms to this no-lawn garden.
sedge, Buffalo, no lawn
In Austin, the curving gravel inserts would serve as rainwater control and retention, and perhaps they are. Big, bold stones contribute perpetual structure and probably a significant story behind their placement.
formal, architecture, sedge, fountain
Here’s an Austin version, designed by Botanical Concerns, as seen on CTG.
Annie Gillespie
This low-maintenance formal raised bed invites neighbors to stop for a chat.
formal raised bed garden Buffalo Walk Central Texas Gardener
Low fences favor backyard glimpses, and most likely, a friendly voice calling “Come on in!”
fence, gate, Buffalo
Densely planted pollinator plants in this narrow strip guarantee lots of traffic: from bees, butterflies and birds.
curb, street, Buffao, phlox
In Austin, drivers come to a halt when passing Lucinda Hutson’s passionate purple house basking in pollinator and food gardens.
Lucinda Hutson's purple cottage front yard garden Central Texas Gardener
We repeat our visit to Lucinda’s this week, including a look at her cute Tequila Cantina.
Lucinda Hutson's tequila cantina
I thought of Lucinda when I visited Buffalo gardeners Gordon Ballard and Brian Olinski in their vivacious garden complete with outdoor pub. Here’s Gordon chatting up design with Dan Benarcik, horticulturist at Chanticleer.
Buffalo, outdoor living room
cute backyard bar in Buffalo Central Texas Gardener
AND, in case you missed it, this week we feature Erika Kotite, author of She Sheds.
She Sheds by Erika Kotite Central Texas Gardener
In Buffalo, Jim Charlier’s fanciful “Taj-ma-shed” charms up easy access to the family’s garden tools and supplies. Sure beats a metal utility shed off the big box lot! I’m so stealing the terracotta pot lighting idea.
It also blends right in with the house.
charming Garden Walk Buffalo garden Jim Charlier Central Texas Gardener
An art designer for communication design, Jim took his talent to the tool shed. Painted, reclaimed fence pickets line interior walls.
And instead of hunting for the trowel by flashlight after work, why not turn on your cute chandeliers?
shed, Buffalo
Here, Jim chats with Suzi McCoy and Jourdan Cole from Garden Media Group. These three “diamonds” reflect Jim’s diamond theme from windows to pavers.
Harry Potter even joined us. Jim and his wife went beyond clever to engage their then-young daughter to write her own stories in the garden.
Harry Potter garden plants Jim Charlier Central Texas Gardener
Thanks for sharing the magic with me! See you next week, Linda

Support for Central Texas Gardener id provided by Lisa and Desi Roden, Diane Land and Steve Adler, and Texas Master Gardener
