July 6, 2017
Herbal Tales You Never Heard: Ann McCormick
Even though I was born in Texas, my third-generation Finnish genes kick in when temps soar above 90. As I wither, I admire my “bring on the heat” plants with roots in hot climes, like Dicliptera suberecta.
Hailing from Uruguay, its common name, “Hummingbird Plant”, is quite apt with those tubular nectar-rich flowers. Like me, it prefers some shade between spurts of sunlight.
Hummingbirds get a shade break, too, when they head for Mexican honeysuckle (Justicia spicigera). And it’s not a climbing plant! Its honey is the nectar.
Fruit-eating birds are denuding chile pequins as fast as plump little harvests ripen. This drought-tough, shade loving perennial also hails from South America.
Chiles were the theme at the 2016 Herbal Forum at Round Top, held at the Round Top Festival Institute.
In 1995, esteemed herbal horticulturist Madalene Hill and daughter Gwen Barclay hatched the nationally celebrated forum and plant sale which always includes tours of Madalene’s adventurous gardens.
I headed to Round Top in 2016, not only to hear Trisha’s presentation, but also to meet Herb ‘n Cowgirl Ann McCormick, a nationally-renowned herbal writer and speaker. Her down-to-earth spicy style and DIY tips make it easy to grow your own tastes, from her book Homegrown Herb Garden to her popular column in the Dallas Morning News.
When Ann headed to KLRU to take us on a thrilling historical trek with herbal tales, she captivated us all.
Did you know that even in the 20th century, garlic was regarded as low class?
Watch now for her spirited stories that’ll having you saying, “I didn’t know that!”
Check out her blog and newsletter for timely tips to keep you and your plants in herbal health.
In these dry times, even succulents need a little water. Sun scald can be a problem, too.
So, when can you divide succulents? Get Daphne’s answer.
When heat indexes send us inside, turn your design energy into terrariums! John shows off miniature plants perfect for tiny gardens.
In summer, our imagination soars as we re-think our designs. Donna and Mike Fowler’s Hutto garden will have ideas popping, including those garden art projects on our lists.
Watch now!
Thanks for stopping by, and see you next week! Linda