


I Meet the Coolest People!

Wow, what glorious gardeners we’ve met on our travels this spring! Although everyone’s story is different, all of them find serenity, energy, health, and spirituality outside. Elizabeth DeMaria Central Texas Gardener
In Lorena, Elizabeth DeMaria’s spring garden soon will explode with summer flowers for pollinators and birds.
raised bed spring flower garden Central Texas Gardener
We visited an East Austin backyard native plant micro-prairie, tended by John Hart Asher (Environmental Designer at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center) and his partner, Bonnie Evridge. Their chickens handle pest control when not laying eggs.
backyard micro native plant prairie Central Texas Gardener
At Community First!, a self-sustainable village for the homeless, we saw how growing and eating fresh, organic food makes a difference both in soul and body.
Community First! organic garden Central Texas Gardener
In Kempner, Mrs. Saigon Farms (Carolin Le) astounds us with her food forest, a bounty in herbs, vegetables, and greens that are “a pharmacy in my backyard.”
healthy healing vegetable garden Central Texas Gardener
It’s made quite a difference for her husband, a U.S. Army veteran, who was injured on duty.
Mrs. Saigon Farms vegetable garden Central Texas Gardener
Since so many locavore-committed are sweet on beekeeping these days, we met with Tara Chapman from Two Hives Honey. At the Sustainable Food Center, she tended hives in an apiary designed by University of Texas grad students.
Tara Chapman Two Hives Honey Central Texas Gardener
Tanya Phillips and Chuck Reburn, founders of Bee Friendly Austin, schooled us in the fascinating details.
Tanya Phillips Chuck Reburn Bee Friendly Austin Central Texas Gardener
And we got to see our first swarm, as a queen and her new bee team went house hunting, quickly provided by Tanya and Chuck. Wow!
bee swarm Bee Friendly Austin
Artist Valerie Fowler captivated us completely with stories behind her richly expressive paintings.
Valerie Fowler painter Central Texas Gardener
In San Antonio, Richard and Christine Alcorta stepped us through their organic techniques in cinder blocks that yield pounds of food and herbs every season.
cinder block vegetable garden San Antonio Central Texas Gardener
frying squash blossoms outside Richard Alcorta Central Texas Gardener
Since The Garden Conservancy hosts Open Days tours in San Antonio and Austin this fall, we taped our features for the fall previews. More on that later! This one’s on the Austin tour.
pond and rill native plant courtyard garden Central Texas Gardener
And at the Festival Beach Food Forest and Festival Beach Community Gardens, we saw how community innovators are feeding people along with neighborhood unity.
Festival Beach Food Forest Austin Central Texas Gardener
Festival Beach Community Garden Central Texas Gardener
Coming up soon:
The How Do Gardener, Rick Bickling and wife Ellen, turned their kids’ basketball court into a food court and solved flooding problems and lack of color in backyard shade.
food garden from basketball court Central Texas Gardener
fence art dry creek sidewalk shady garden Central Texas Gardener
Shelley S. Cramm, author of NIV God’s Word for Gardeners Bible: Grow Your Faith While Growing Your Garden
Tom Linda Shelley Cramm Central Texas Gardener
• Ann McCormick, Herb ‘N Cowgirl
Tom Linda Ann McCormick Central Texas Gardener
Brie Arthur, author of The Foodscape Revolution
Tom Spencer Linda Lehmusvirta Brie Arthur Central Texas Gardene 2r
• Erika Kotite, author of She Sheds
Tom Spencer Linda Lehmusvirta Erika Kotite Central Texas Gardener
• Barbara Wise and Trisha Shirey container designBarbara Wise and Trisha Shirey container garden Central Texas Gardener
Liz Morphis from Barton Springs Nursery ramps up the heat with summertime combos that don’t break out a sweat.
Tom Spencer and Liz Morphis hot weather color Central Texas Gardener
In Blanco, Pamela and Frank Arnosky of the Arnosky Flower Farms tour us through their lives as local flower farmers, plus DIY tips you really can do at home!
Pamela and Frank Arnosky Central Texas Gardener
Thanks for stopping by! See you next week, Linda

Support for Central Texas Gardener id provided by Lisa and Desi Roden, Diane Land and Steve Adler, and Texas Master Gardener
