November 3, 2016
No lawn artful design + living Christmas trees
And the heat goes on here in Central Texas, much to the butterflies’ delight! This Tailed Orange stayed busy on my ‘La Trinidad Pink’ microphylla, an evergreen perennial. Do prune it often to keep it lush, rather than spindly.
Tree woes continue, thanks to those almost forgotten downpours. This time, it’s Ramya Balasundaram’s formerly healthy desert willow (which looks about like mine does right now).
Too much rain and ongoing humidity doesn’t work too well for this truly xeric shrubby tree. Think El Paso, where it thrives along highways. Daphne explains what happened and what to do in hopes for hummingbird-loving flowers next year.
Don’t be alarmed if you find cute fuzz balls on your live oak tree, like these on mine. These are woolly oak leaf galls, a nursery for tiny non-stinging wasps. They won’t harm your tree or you.
Since Texas Arbor Day is November 4, AND many of us are thinking about Christmas trees, what about celebrating with a living tree? Deena Spellman from Bastrop Gardens joins Tom to pick the gift that keep on giving.
She picks a few options, including native Southern wax myrtle, (Morella cerifera), Nellie Stevens holly, and compact cherry laurel. If you’ve got well drained soil and want silver all year, go for Arizona cypress.
Arizona cypress does get big, so give it some room! Watch now for more ideas!
My native yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria) is already ready to deck the outside halls for eager birds.
Or what about native lacey oak (Quercus laceyi), Daphne’s Plant of the Week? Resistant to oak wilt, this deciduous smaller oak (30’ x 30’) is perfect for downsized gardens.
At the Travis County Texas A&M Extension demonstration garden, it’s only about 12’ tall after almost two decades. And what a pretty shape, too! Find out more about lacey oak.
NOW, did you know that in Central Texas, we really need to plant strawberries in November? John explains why: in theory, it’s supposed to be cooler.
And, he tells us what we can plant from seed and what’s easier to start from transplants in our winter food gardens. I do a bit of both at this stage of the game.
I think I’ll pick up a few pretty delicious Pak choi to give them a try! Watch now! Get John’s list.
On tour, art meets food, water thrifty succulents and pollinator plants. See how Ann and Robin Matthews changed their perspective when they took out lawn—including charming DIY projects that you’ll want to do!
Watch now!
Thanks for stopping by! Join us next week when we see how to keep critters out of the house. Hoping that cold front REALLY makes it this time, Linda