


Native Trees for Wildlife & No Lawn Habitat Makeover

In my garden, goldenrods plopped themselves down in back long ago.
native goldenrod Central Texas Gardener
They’re a bit thuggish, but Texas weird weather never deters them from feeding pollinators come fall.
bee on goldenrod Central Texas Gardener
Some of my Turk’s caps are a tad spindly and disgraceful thanks to zany weather. Still, they keep serving up meals for bees and Gulf Fritillary butterflies.
Gulf Fritillary on turk's cap Central Texas Gardener
White mistflower (Ageratina havanensis), also called shrubby boneset, is about to hit high gear for pollinators waiting in the wings.
native white mistflower, shrubby boneset Central Texas Gardener
Early last week, bees and others were all over native Barbados cherry (Malpighia glabra) flowers.
native Barbados cherry Central Texas Gardener
Already, they’re pushing out “cherries” that are edible for us, but I leave them for the birds.
native Barbados cherry flower and green fruit Central Texas Gardener
Texas Native Plant Week is coming up October 16- 22, though Eva Van Dyke celebrates native plants all year long in her home garden and at Barton Springs Nursery. She joins Tom this week to pick some native trees, large and small, that provide habitat and food for beneficial wildlife all year.
Eva Van Dyke native trees Central Texas Gardener
Get her list for native trees, like Texas or Blanco crabapple, shrubs, perennials, grasses, and groundcovers.
Texas or Blanco crabapple Central Texas Gardener
So, under all those shade trees, you’ve got—shade. Daphne explains how to cover the ground with low-care sedges.
native sedge lawn Central Texas Gardener
Every year, viewers ask: “Is it okay to rake leaves directly onto beds?” YES, Daphne says. Find out why.

All plants need water. But I admit that I never thought about watering can ergonomics to make it easier. John analyzes balance and durability to pick the right one for the job.
best watering cans John Dromgoole Central Texas Gardener
There are darling, long-lasting ones for patio plants and indoor plants. The narrow spout keeps down the “Oops, furniture spill” mess inside.
HAWS watering can for small containers Central Texas Gardener
If you’d rather recycle your plastic bottles for small jobs, an inexpensive option is to top them off with a screw on bottle top waterer.
bottle top waterers Central Texas Gardener
On tour, Anne Bellomy took out lawn and soldierly shrubs for drought-tough layers that support wildlife from treetops to ground level. When she started, it looked like this. Photo by Anne Bellomy.
before picture lawn in native habitat redesign Central Texas Gardener
Here’s her in-progress shot.
taking out lawn for native plants Central Texas Gardener
Within a few years, she’d achieved her goal to create a wildlife oasis for resident and migratory creatures.
native habitat front yard no lawn Central Texas Gardener
Anne chose native perennials like Engelmann daisy to power flower pollinators and to feed small birds, like goldfinches, on later seeds.
Engelmann daisy
native Engelmann daisy flowers
Silvery Yucca pallida structures up against bee-loved Salvia greggi and blackfoot daisy.
Yucca pallida and blackfoot daisy Central Texas Gardener
In back, built-up berms on her heavy soil support frothy-flowered Lindheimer muhly and deer muhly.
Lindheimer and Deer muhly Central Texas Gardener
Autumn bloomers Mexican mint marigold and native Salvia leucantha team up for a classic color combo that’s edible, too. Pollinators chow down on both plants; we flavor recipes with Mexican mint marigold’s tarragon taste.
Mexican mint marigold and Salvia leucantha Central Texas Gardener
And since we all face this “household” situation, here’s how Anne disguised the trash bin that matches her open weave fence.
pallet style screen garbage can hide Central Texas Gardener
Watch her whole story now!

Finally, CTG is so very honored to be awarded the Gold for Best Overall Broadcast Media by the Garden Writers Association!
Gold Award GWA Best Overall Media Broadcast

Thanks for stopping by! See you next week, Linda

Support for Central Texas Gardener id provided by Lisa and Desi Roden, Diane Land and Steve Adler, and Texas Master Gardener
