


Rebirth of a Rose and Garden

Way back when, I bought a white Lady Banks rose at the Antique Rose Emporium. Wow, I never knew such a thing existed! I plopped it into a blank back corner to shield the fence and quickly swooned over its fragrant clusters.
rose white lady banks Central Texas Gardener
Then, I planted a couple of tiny primrose jasmines nearby. Eventually they took over that spot, which was okay then. I didn’t have to water them and I had other things to do as I plugged away at the rest of the yard.
primrose jasmine Central Texas Gardener
In January 2012, we finally dug out those guys to create a rustic patio we’d often discussed. And voila, that sun-starved, rainwater-only Lady Banks was still there.
lady banks rose before Central Texas Gardener
I pruned, composted, mulched and watered in liquid seaweed. In two months, it looked like this.
young Lady Banks rose Central Texas Gardener
patio and young Lady Banks rose screen fence Central Texas Gardener
Since then, I’ve kept up rejuvenative pruning. I’ve woven long stems into the back fence, too. I don’t water it any longer. Its only fertilizer comes from tree leaves I bank against it. In 4 years, it’s done this.
White Lady Banks rose screen Central Texas Gardener
It’s grown so rapidly thanks to bountiful rainfall that I’ll soon wrangle those long stems into a denser form.
White Lady Banks long stem flowers Central Texas Gardener
On the other side of the yard, I’ve chopped my first Lady Banks to the ground a couple of times, once when a momentous wind snapped it. Even last fall I had to cut out one side when we repaired and painted the shed. Always it grows right on back, better than ever.
Lady Banks rose hiding fence Central Texas Gardener
I haven’t watered it since its first year when I stuck it in with nary a thought to the heavy soil.
Lady Banks yellow rose Central Texas Gardener
Tiny bouquets charm us early every spring, but its true job in our garden workforce is to screen the chain link fence and neighbors beyond the barren creek. Multitudes of birds claim it as their clubhouse for raucous discussion.
rose lady banks Central Texas Gardener
For years, I watched Madalene Hill (one of the dearest people I’ve ever known) rebirth the blank grounds at Festival Hill into festive gardens.
Festival Hill Roman ruins firecracker fern Central Texas Gardener
At James Dick’s Round Top Festival Institute for musical performance and learning, Madalene and daughter Gwen Barclay furthered inspiration through a symphony of gardens.
Festival Hill gardens Central Texas Gardener
cute pots Festival HIll Round Top Central Texas Gardener
Now under horticulturist Henry Flowers’ expertise, Madalene’s culinary adventures, that taught us all so much, continue to flourish.
mediterranean gardens Festival Hill Central Texas Gardener
Knowing that butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds strike a chord with us all, perennials include those tasty to us and to wildlife.
Festival Hill garden raised beds
Huge rosemary plants partner with the biggest firecracker ferns I’ve ever seen!
herbs and flowers for wildlife Festival Hill Central Texas Gardener
On one trellis, a yellow coral honeysuckle screens a service area. Great idea for “service areas” of our own!
Yellow coral honeysuckle Central Texas Gardener
Hummingbirds are already showing up for us all. In case you missed it, this week we repeat Zoom in On Hummingbirds with Mark Klym.
Hummingbirds of Texas Central Texas Gardener
Artists often birth their muse among flowers and their mysteries. Through April 10 at the Georgetown Art Center’s exhibit, Botanicals, discover how sensitive and talented women reveal their perspectives.
Georgetown Art Center Central Texas Gardener
Georgetown Art Center Botanical 4
Georgetown Art Center Botanicals Central Texas Gardener
Georgetown Art Center Botanical 3
Elizabeth Elequin botanical skull Central Texas Gardener
Thanks for stopping by! Next week, we launch our fabulous spring season. See you then, Linda

Support for Central Texas Gardener id provided by Lisa and Desi Roden, Diane Land and Steve Adler, and Texas Master Gardener
