March 15, 2016
Garden Blogger’s Bloom Day: March 2016
My garden’s all over the color spectrum in the craziest “winter that wasn’t.” Here: Freesia laxa bulbs, Billbergia, pink evening primrose, baby blue eyes and Iris nada.
Pretty in pink evening primrose can be a thug in garden beds, so I tame this native when it threatens monarchy.
Perennial, re-seeding native spiderwort cross-pollinates its own spectrum: in my garden, shades of lavender and pink. This one vainly reseeded against deep purple oxalis, rightfully so.
Bee-loving annual self-seeding native baby blue eyes (Nemophila menziesii) sticks to its signature name.
My mountain laurels already dumped flower-making for new leaves. This late bloomer kept up the fragrant hype a little longer.
Right on time, purple bearded iris satisfies my lust for that spectrum.
As do early bird larkspurs.
Prairie verbena (Glandularia bipinnatifida) and Salvia microphylla ‘Hot Lips’ spill over hot borders.
Complementary yellow jumps in as Lady Banks rose teases its upcoming flower shower.
Native golden groundsel (Packera obovata) is keeping real bee-sy.
I adore my vibrant calendulas—as do the bees! I don’t plant many annuals, but these cheerful guys are bookmarked for next fall.
Tucked under viburnums in a shady alcove, I almost missed gently yellow shrimp plant (Pachstachys lutea).
‘Scotty’s Surprise’ oxalis (Oxalis pes-capre) is a perennial keeper. Quietly it returns to the earth when heat descends in earnest.
I’m loving daylilies in March, but I sure hope they don’t wear out by May, when I usually expect them.
My Mexican honeysuckles (Justicia spicigera) are way too leggy, but I can’t deny them (or me) their plucky performance: here with Dietes, Dutch iris, and oxalis.
Swinging to red, Salvia greggii pops fireworks.
As does firecracker fern (Russelia equisetiformis).
‘Rainbow’ shrimp plant needs a good haircut if I want density this summer.
Crisp white stands out, especially when a bee dives nose into Iris nada.
Every year I threaten to dig out my old spiraea. But it’s rather sentimental, defies drought, and in spring, does this.
And sad to say, arugula is already bolting, thanks to unusually warm temps and 90° already this week. Pollinators cheer!
Visit host Carol Michel’s May Dreams Gardens to see what’s blooming all over the world!
By the way, it’s not too late to plant tomatoes and peppers. Check out our interview with Randy Thompson from Sunshine Community Gardens for his top picks.
What’s blooming in your garden? Thanks for stopping by and see you next week! Linda