December 3, 2015
Power of Expression
Our gardens are just as personal as our wardrobes, home décor, taste in food, and even pet names!
Sure, we gather ideas from other gardeners—just as we get recipes from fellow cooks—but adaptation is what makes it all our own.
We value the power of outdoor retreats, without leaving home.
As artists outdoors, we sculpt our visions with shovels, trowels and pruners. And stones, always lots of stones! Every gardener has a bunch of remedies for sore backs, believe me.
Whatever and however we grow, we are always growing.
Simply, we’re seekers of beauty–whatever that beauty means to you.
Watch all our garden visits to meet your muse!
CONTEST TIME! Enter now for you and 5 friends to attend CTG in the historic ACL studio on January 21 and enjoy a yummy lunch. All you have to do is comment below to tell us how CTG has inspired your garden vision (or what you like about CTG). You can also enter to win by becoming a member today! Entries close at 5 p.m. Dec. 10.
Thanks for stopping by! See you next time, Linda