


Giveaway! Attend CTG Taping + Lunch

Meet the fun CTG gang on January 21 and bring five of your friends for a yummy lunch!
Central Texas Gardener crew
Go behind the scenes on taping day to watch us in action.
bamboo shoots Trisha Shirey Central Texas Gadener
CTG control room Central Texas Gardener
Be the first to see how to attract hummingbirds with Mark Klym from Texas Parks and Wildlife. And, Randy Thompson from Sunshine Community Gardens reveals their top picks for homegrown tomatoes and peppers.
Tom Spencer Central Texas Gardener
To enter: simply tell us how CTG has inspired or helped you! Multiple entries are great, since it helps us meet your needs from the ground up!
Daphne Richards Eva Van Dyke Central Texas Gardener
Or, enter by making a contribution (you can even make up your own amount) to support our weekly program. Entries close at 5 p.m. on December 10.
Central Texas Gardener crew Richard Welch
Thank you! Linda


Support for Central Texas Gardener id provided by Lisa and Desi Roden, Diane Land and Steve Adler, and Texas Master Gardener
