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Out Like A Lamb, Sort Of

What a crazy ride this March has been! And it’s not over yet, since we’re sweating on Wednesday and “shivering” on Thursday. Calendula and golden groundsel (Packera obovata) handle it well. Some tiny beneficial pollinator was having lunch until I interfered.

calendula and golden groundsel with beneficial insect

Here’s a wider shot of the golden groundsel along the back fence.

golden groundsel packera obovata central texas gardener

Everything is shooting up as fast as the thermometer. After mickey mousing around for weeks, suddenly Narcissus Marieke zoomed up in a few days. Sunday morning, it popped.

Narcissus Marieke bud with heartleaf skullcap central texas gardener

Three hours later. . .

narcissus marieke and heartleaf skullcap central texas gardener

It’s a cheery sight even from inside at the front window.

narcissus marieke central texas gardener

In back, Narcissus Las Vegas was just as startling in its fast upshoot. That’s native geranium (Geranium carolinianum) around it.

narcissus las vegas with native geranium central texas gardener

N. Tete-a-Tete slowly wandered in and then, bang! That’s a lot of bouncing bet and asters alongside.

narcissus tete a tete with bouncing bet central texas gardenner

Now, I can’t tell you why I’ve lost Freesia laxa in other spots in my garden. For some reason, it likes this super shady spot until afternoon sun hits briefly.

freesia laxa central texas gardener bulbs

Native annual baby blue-eyes gladly seed themselves here.

native baby blue-eyes wildflower central texas gardener

Okay, just ONE more mountain laurel picture, since mine have never bloomed like this before! I couldn’t resist this shot with a bee loaded down with pollen.

bee on mountain laurel flower central texas gardener

I’m not a very patient person. But when it came to my 1893 Crimson King bearded irises, I didn’t mind waiting 3 years for their fragrant glamour.

crimson king iris central texas gardener

A little more purple (and pink) with oxalis next to brand new ‘Moonshine’ yarrow. Love that silver!

purple oxalis flowers and Moonshine yarrow central texas

It didn’t take long for my passalong matchstick bromeliad (Aechmea gamosepala) to bloom, though it was later than usual this year.

matchstick bromeliad Aechmea gamosepala central texas

Annual false dayflower (Tinantia anomala) is sort of bullying this bed. I’m pulling out bunches but keeping enough for their charming little flowers.

annual wildflower false dayflower Tinantia anomala central texas

It took me a few tries to come up with the right place for Gladiolus tristus, but it’s made a return performance for two years. Joined by yarrow and bearded iris in this shot, it gets morning sun, followed by shade, and then a short blast of afternoon light.

gladiolus tristus central texas gardener bulb
gladiolus tristus with bearded iris and yarrow central texas bulbs

The “weeds” are shooting up, too. Since I get lots of questions about this one that I call “false carrot,” here’s the word from Scooter Cheatham at Useful Wild Plants. “It’s Torilis arvensis (hedge parsley, beggars lice, and other unsavory names). The leaves, when young, make an acceptable parsley substitute (and the root can be used to make a ‘carrot-like soup’).”

weed false carrot Torilis arvensis

This week, we repeat our America’s Test Kitchen program with the Bernsen family garden in La Grange. Next week,we launch all new programs, starting with tips on growing lavender and a trip to Temple for an outstanding garden.

Thanks for stopping by! See you next week, Linda

Support for Central Texas Gardener id provided by Lisa and Desi Roden, Diane Land and Steve Adler, and Texas Master Gardener
