August 1, 2013
Summer standouts and problems
Thanks to a bit of rain, lagging plants responded ASAP. Rain lilies, like these Zephyranthes chlorosen, popped out all over town.

Cenizos are in flamboyant mode, too, including my white version of ‘Silverado.’

And ‘Convent’. I’m crazy about this combination of colors.

It’s been struggling as a newbie. Like all cenizos, it’s sensitive to over-watering, but this one especially so. At the same time, I fear I might have spared the water too much, or not provided the perfect drainage. Time will tell.
This picture of Phlox paniculata ‘John Fanick’ isn’t due to fancy pants effects.

Nope, it’s just what happens when you race out the door on a humid morning and the camera realizes it’s not in air conditioning anymore. I can’t wait for them to colonize and fill that section by next year! You can see a little of the iron chlorosis that Daphne mentioned recently. I’ll keep an eye on it, since this is the first sign of it in my garden.

For some of us, heat/humidity/rain caused a few problems, like with artemisia and CTG director Ed’s senna that was just fine until the rain. As usual, I lost a few lamb’s ears, though my ‘Helen von Stein’ do best for me. Generally, the ones that crater are getting too much sun, too.

But I’ve still got plenty, so I’ll divide them this fall to fill in blank spots that don’t recover.

But nothing bothers the mystery pink crinum lily!

Or the white plumbago, that bloomed gladly even before the rain. It’s a fan of scalding afternoon sun.

My patio container of a native hibiscus (Hibiscus martianus) keeps cranking out these amazing flowers if I water it every few days.

In shade, lemon rosemallow (Hibiscus calyphyllus) has been cold hardy for two winters. The trick on this one is to avoid any shaft of harsh sunlight. Mine get filtered morning and mid-day sun only—never anything that needs sunglasses.

CTG’s friend Louis Tijerina sums up our adventures–successes and losses– so beautifully with this line he sent me from Mickey Gilley’s song, “I Overlooked an Orchid.” I over looked an orchid… While searching for a rose. Thanks, Louis!
Speaking of roses, CTG sends a bouquet of information your way every week! At noon this Saturday, August 3, we repeat our fabulous Viva Tequila program with Lucinda Hutson, along with extra gardens in this one-hour special. We hope you’ll support CTG during KLRU’s August Pledge drive to keep our TV and web garden growing!
We all thank you! Linda