September 13, 2012
Projects! Reduce lawn makeover! Container vegetables!
Revival! As the rock roses (Pavonia lasiopetala) and Turk’s cap swing back into gear, my ideas hit revival mode, too.
Projects are finally in the works. Last spring, we laid a sandstone path over a section of dead grass, but wanted time to think about what to do next.

We’ve decided to get more sandstone, but to reduce the heat factor, I’m leaving wide spaces to plant frogfruit (Phyla nodiflora). You can see how the first ones are already creeping over.
Last March, I set out a few 4” pots to soften our new work. They’ve taken off like crazy, unmindful of the unamended soil, heat, drought or the brief spurts of drenching rain.

I’ve been digging up grass since the day we moved in, since I want a garden full of wildlife. When 2010-2011 took a hard toll on lawns, I lost a lot of the rest, as did many gardeners.
This week on tour, see how Lana & Bob Beyer retrieved their garden with stunning new ideas!
Here’s how it looked this spring, new plants soon to fill in. Already, they’re seeing more wildlife.
Director Ed Fuentes had a lot of fun taping this renovation, even though the sun was brutal.
In front, here’s Bob’s shot after they stripped the dead grass.
Since their HOA requires some lawn, Lana designed a wineglass shape with buffalograss to draw street-side views into the garden.
On Bob’s Central Texas Gardening website, see his remarkable slide show that documents the process step by step. Really, this is fabulous!
In the awkward curb strip, the Beyers made life easier and more beautiful with gray and green santolina, pink skullcap, and Rock penstemon.
Santolina is a drought-tough evergreen (or ever gray) deer-resistant groundcover. Find out how to grow it as Daphne’s Pick of the Week.
Thanks to the rains last winter and a little this summer, our Mexican plum is hanging onto some of its fruit instead of dropping it all prematurely.
The ones at Mueller are totally abundant!
Since fall is the best time to plant trees, Tom joins Amanda Moon from It’s About Thyme for some tasty additions.
Her list includes fruiting and ornamental olive trees, including specimen tree ‘Little Ollie.’ Lana and Bob are growing theirs in a pot for now.
Whether olive trees produce fruit or not, I love the silvery leaves. This one’s a tall shade tree in the garden of dear friends Molly and David.

Get Amanda’s list of olives, compact and ‘Wonderful’ pomegranate, Texas persimmon, loquat and figs.
And be sure to check out It’s About Thyme, where Diane and Chris Winslow and a very knowledgeable team guide you to tried-and-true plants, fabulous herbs, and ideas that will astound you and your garden. Sign up for their informative weekly enewsletter, too, for valuable tips from Chris and culinary expert Mick Vann.
Animals dine on the bark of our trees, especially in drought. Viewer Connie Lawson asked what to do about porcupines chomping her new trees. KLRU colleague Robert found squirrels stripping his trees. Will this kill your tree? Get Daphne’s answer about whether trees will recover, and the best way to protect them.
Since many of us have limited space or limited sunlight, John Dromgoole demonstrates how to plant in containers, for organic food even on a patio, balcony, or driveway.

Get his list of a few tiny plants, including ‘Tom Thumb’ corn for next summer.
Happy planting and I’ll see you next week! Linda