March 15, 2012
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day from Linda’s east Austin garden!
This week, CTG joins fellow gardeners from around the world for May Dreams’ Garden Bloom Day! Here’s a mere sample of what’s blooming after two years of torture-by-weather in my east Austin garden. With our recent rain salvation, this poppy (Papaver orientale) cupped its petals in gratitude.
Some early bird daylilies are so thankful that they couldn’t wait to blossom.
Maybe they just wanted to join the not so mellow yellows of columbine (Aguilegia chrysantha).
Tiny species tulip ‘Tinka’ is indeed mellow, a subtle one that naturalizes for us.

I love the balloons of annual snapdragons.
Native golden groundsel (Packera obovata) pops up from ground-hugging rosettes to join oxalis (Oxalis crassipes).

Fluffy spiraea stands tall against even taller and fluffier Lady Banks rose.
Self-seeded larkspur decided the yellows needed a touch of purple. Oh yes!
But I planted the Dutch iris, since I love purple. These return every year, flood, freeze, or drought.
Without a hard freeze this year, trailing lavender lantana (Lantana montevidensis) feeds overwintering butterflies like crazy on warm days.

Young Mexican honeysuckle (Justicia spicigera) dots it up with some complementary orange.
‘Patrick’ abutilon drips little lanterns of teamwork orange and yellow.

Native Texas blue grass (Poa arachnifera) adds a seed head texture to Bloom Day, along with the foliage of Arum italicum that returns every winter in the shady spot under a mountain laurel.
Happy bloom day to you! Linda