September 9, 2010
I heard a rumor that fall is on the way; time to get growing fall vegetables
We’re not out of the hot woods yet, but you know that fall is coming with the arrival of its emissaries. My first Lycoris radiata (spider lily) radiates a smile that pots of chile are on the horizon.

In my garden, spider lilies can be temperamental and take a year off, especially after dividing. The oxblood lilies (Rhodophiala bifida) are more accommodating.
Blooming against the kiddie pool, they taunt me that I’ll still need its refreshment for a few more weeks, despite our beloved rain and cooler temps this week.

Rain lily Habranthus robustus flowered again after last week’s preview shower. I planted others throughout the garden, but it seems to like this spot. Guess I’ll get it some buddies.

What I like about this one is that its strappy foliage has been up and at ’em for months. It hasn’t hidden underground until the magic moment.
Since it’s time to head out for cool-weather vegetables, this week on CTG, Tom meets with Erin Flynn and Skip Connett from organic Green Gate Farms in east Austin. Get some of their tastiest favorites, along with homegrown garlic, an easy grow even in small spaces.
Be sure to check out their farm stand on Fridays & Saturdays, and sign up for their CSA. On top of that, they’ve got tons of activities for kids. On September 18, they’ve got a whopper plant sale, too.

I’m adding compost and granular organic fertilizer to the upcoming lettuce/arugula/parsley bed. And counting the days to sow cilantro seeds for us and the bunnies later this month.
On tour, meet the next generation of gardeners at Casis Elementary.
Teachers, parents, and students collaborate in a vegetable garden for hands-on lessons in sustainability, math, science, art, cycles of insect life, and plain good eating!
Now, have you seen this on your trees?

Daphne answers viewer Bob Harper’s question about what the heck is up with his red oak leaves.
If you haven’t yet met native Eupatorium/Conoclinium greggii (Gregg’s blue mist flower), nab this native perennial to bring butterflies to your drought-tough fingertips.

It’s rather invasive to flower beds, but well worth it if you can wrangle it.
In our soils, nitrogen is the nutrient we most need. Get John Dromgoole’s analysis of various additives, including coffee grounds. Our fall crops, like lettuce, really want that nitrogen. In my case, I’ll be adding some Harvey & Gaby “contributions,” too!
If you need a little inspiration any time of day, watch it all online! The Casis kids will certainly pump up the energy!
Until next week, Linda