


Make your own kind of music with terra cotta pots

Last week, some of you asked about the terra cotta pots hanging on my patio.

musical terra cotta pots

I love your ideas of turning them into lights,  and I may do so yet.  Actually, right now they are musical pots!  With their different sizes, you can create the most amazing sounds. (The other yarn-wrapped drum stick had an “accident.” Will replace.)

Musical terra cot pots

These were a gift from Darrel Mayers of the Mundi Ensemble. He’s also the guy who makes sure we get It’s About Thyme’s weekly e-newsletter with tips from owners Chris & Diane Winslow.

Anyway, it all started when we taped Mundi’s cellist, Carolyn Hagler, in her former garden. Since it was inspired by music, Mundi performed their song “Clippers” from Apple Howling. This short clip is bound to inspire your own “garden implement” music!

I’ll never be able to play my pots like Mario Gonzalez, or clip my clippers like Ric Furley. But even if I’m not in the same musical class with them, Darrel, Carolyn, and Bruce Colson on violin, I can sure have some fun with my pots! Oh, I need to move the chimes back closer since I can really rock out with them, too. Until then, the fountain adds its own percussion. The toads chime in with lyrics.

musical terra cotta pots

Go for it, creative ones!

Often, people ask where I get my ideas for CTG.  Mainly, from viewer questions. At nurseries, I jot notes of what people are asking. I troll the blogs to see what stumps gardeners or what interests them. Of course, I connect to as many garden events as possible, like the Austin Cactus & Succulent Society Show & Sale on Labor Day weekend and the Garden Conservancy Open Days tours this fall in Austin and San Antonio.

On September 11, meet the next generation of gardeners at Casis Elementary and get started with your fall garden with the organic folks at Green Gate Farms.

On September 18, get Pam Penick’s hands-on tips and encouragement for DIY projects on a garden budget.

This fall, also find out how to get past troublesome roses, celebrate Native Plant Week, and lots more!

In Darrel’s case, I ran into him at HEB one Saturday and he said he knew a fabulous garden to tape! Works for me.

Here’s my home base at KLRU.

Linda's CTG office at KLRU

The computer and monitors on the left are where I edit. You will flip out over this Hutto garden on screen!   The other computer is for everything else.

My third computer is on my patio, where I write the garden scripts, plan shows, answer viewer questions and write this blog this very minute.  Hey, you can’t write about gardens if you’re not in one. And when I get stuck for a sentence, I play my pots!

Musical terra cotta pots

Until next week, Linda


Support for Central Texas Gardener id provided by Lisa and Desi Roden, Diane Land and Steve Adler, and Texas Master Gardener
