


Foliage Follow-up: Feb. 16, 2010

To follow May Dreams Garden Bloggers Bloom Day, here’s for Pam Penick’s Foliage Follow-up!

There’s a new foliar look in my garden this February. All bets are out on whether my beloved Dianellas (flax lily) plan to return. A little larkspur is egging this one on.

Frozen dianella, flax lily

This is the first time that I’ve seen butterfly iris (Dietes) freeze, but already they’re promoting a speedy recovery.

Frozen butterfly iris, Dietes

When I planted a foxtail fern a few years ago, I was encouraged when others said it handled winter just fine. Until now.

Frozen foxtail fern

But the Angelica pachycarpa is cranking out new leaves every day.

Angelica pachycarpa

My little Agave celsii didn’t make it.

Frozen agave celsii

The big one has some problems.

Agave celsii freeze damage

But it will be okay.

Agave celsii
The daylilies got nipped, but they’re already getting ready for May flowers.

Daylily foliage

I love my ‘Helen Von Stein’ lambs ears. They’ve made it through drought, rain, humidity, semi-shade, and freeze. They’re hard to find, but look for them!  They don’t go mushy so fast on heavy soils and except some shade.

Helen Von Stein lambs ears

Poppies everywhere!

Poppy foliage

The columbines actually liked last summer’s drought. They hate wet, humid ones and wither away in disgust.

Columbine new foliage

This year, I’m especially celebrating new foliage, like the Dicliptera suberecta that had me scared for a bit.

Dicliptera suberecta emerging after freeze

I love the foliage of bulbs coming up around cut back and dormant perennials. Especially, I love it when they bloom, because I can never remember what I planted!

Narcissus bulb and foliage
I recognize the Leucojums without question, and regardless of weather, I can count on their lush foliage starting in January. They’ll disappear when the heat comes, but by then, various perennials take over the job. It’s a garden’s version of “time share.”

Leucojum foliage

And what’s a better promise than this?

New rose leaves

Happy Foliage Follow-up!  Linda


Support for Central Texas Gardener id provided by Lisa and Desi Roden, Diane Land and Steve Adler, and Texas Master Gardener
