February 15, 2010
Bloom Day Feb. 15, 2010
The rare “big chill of 2010” humbled many gardeners here in Texas. In recent winters, we’ve barely had a chance to wear the sweaters stashed under the bed. This year, some of our plants even got to wear sweaters via rowcover and every sheet in the house. So, things are a little skimpy in my east Austin garden for Garden Bloggers Bloom Day.

Still, despite a two-year drought, last summer’s extreme heat, and this winter’s dip into the teens, there is promise for bloom days to come. Weather didn’t alter my Mexican plum’s yearly appointment.

Naturalizing bulbs are coming up everywhere.

Some are just sturdy foliage, waiting for their cue call in a few weeks. Others show signs of impending birth, with fat lumps about to explode.
Narcissus ‘Erlicheer’ blooms so long that even though it’s the earliest, it will hang on for its lag about friends to show up.

One Narcissus ‘Gigantic Star’ jumped in early this year, even though it looked pretty droopy after the last cold blast.

The primrose jasmine didn’t forget to bring flowers for Valentine’s Day.

Neither did the ‘Spring Bouquet’ viburnum.

All will be well, except for a lot of mushy agaves! To see what else is blooming around the world, check in with Carol of May Dreams who started this whole bloomin’ thing!
Happy Bloom Day to you all, Linda