February 15, 2009
Garden Bloggers Bloom Day: February 2009
Here’s what’s blooming in my east Austin garden on Garden Bloggers Bloom Day. Yesterday it was 63 degrees and cloudy. Today’s projections call for 65 degrees and sunny. I took these pictures on Saturday to take advantage of the subdued light, but made sure everyone was still blooming this morning.
See what’s going on everywhere at May Dreams Gardens, and meet Carol, the blogger behind this gardening town square.
Sure enough, the lone ranger viola from January 15 has lots of friends.

Looks like they passed the word to this spiderwort, who leaned over to be in the picture.

Not to be outdone, this spiderwort showed up across the path in the den bed.

The bulbines are just starting to open.

So is the Mexican plum.

White is still a theme, with the sweet olive in a container gearing up.

Between the two of them and the various fragrant narcissus, the garden is like a perfume bottle the cats knocked over.
Narcissus Sweetness

Narcissus Erlicheer

Narcissus Erlicheer with leucojum

Narcissus Gigantic Star

Here’s my new pride and joy, ground-hardy Pelargonium sidoides, flowering for the first time in honor of Bloom Day!

I almost missed the silver germander, but in a few weeks, it will be hard to miss.

To be democratic, here’s a henbit. Once this is published, Harvey gets it for lunch.

The dandelions hoped to be famous, too, but I promised them their chance next month. Harvey can’t possibly eat them all before then.
Also blooming:
primrose jasmine
purple trailing lantana
Tradescantia albiflora (in protected niches)
Viburnum ‘Spring Bouquet’
Iberis sempervirens (candytuft)
Bougainvillea still blooming!
Narcissus Abba
Various other passalong narcissus
White ruellia about to bloom any second
first larkspur
Happy Blooming! Linda